Two friends lf aotc

  1. Hi all. I’m returning to Wow with my friend after skipping several expansions. I started to play retail WoW since Lich King and then dropped it with BFA release. My friend never played WoW before except occasional raids for his uncle’s character during various expansions XD, but he’s learning pretty fast and has experience of raiding in different MMOs. I am currently playing Guardian Druid 603 ilvl (I can swap to DPS class if needed), while my friend is Preservation Evoker 603 ilvl and we are looking for guild to clear N and H raids during this season.

SaveCowEatPanda is now recruiting discord seduction stress testers. Preferably a counseling psychologist. REQ: Friendly, socially unacceptable, tirelessly talkative, spiritually intense. Knowledge of w**d growing is a bonus! and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

Hi mate.

Depending on your raid times / days we might be a suitable choice for you.

Have a look and see what you think.

We are set for tanks and mostly good for healers, but could use an evoker as aug or dev if that appeals to your friend? And there are a handful of other dps classes we could use for yourself, happy to discuss.




you and your friend sound like the players we are looking for. Inanimate is a new guild with a lot of different players from new players to returning players and players who have played for decades. We want to keep the raidteam small 10-15 players atleast for now but we will never be a big guild with 100s of people as we think it losses the personal touch. we try to reach AOTC and KSM every season, for the raid team we are still looking for everyone and everything.

for more info you can look at the guild leaders post here: [A/H] [EU] <Inanimate> - New smaller sized guild focusing on quality and chill members who want a place to make friends and grow together!

no matter where you end up, I hope you and your friend have the best time in wow and loads of loot.

Hi there

I think you’d be a perfect fit for our guild, feel free to add me on Discord: nying, or Bnet: Nying#21329 to have a chat :slight_smile:

Hey there.
Hoodlum Havoc is a fresh new guild looking to create a fun place to raid and do various other shenanigans together.
While we’re brand new we are steadily growing and will be looking to get into our raid schedule as soon as possible.
We’d love to have you if you’re still looking for a new home.
I’ll leave my forum post here and you can take a gander and see if it looks interesting to you. Thank you.

Were a Guild on Ravenscrest, We Raid 2 nights a week Wednesday and Sunday. We clear Heroic each Tier. We don’t normally touch Mythic Raids.
Mature players in the guild/Raid Team.
Very Chill atmosphere.
M+ Nights Plenty of players on to join in things.
We have 2 tanks but plenty of Chance to do M+ as a Tank and drop in to Raid Tank if needed
If you wish to ask me more just get in touch Shedwise#2192

Hey please check us out. No commitment to the raids necessary, come when you can which suits alot of our members IRL commitments, however, focused when we need to be and clear Normal and HC content when available. Punished is looking for more DPS - #2 by Jinxedd-kazzak