Two ideas to help players regain rating after a big loss streak

After a huge loss streak I lost about 250 rating and my MMR plummeted. I’m slowly making my way back up, but it’s a bit tedious. I wish there was something to help regain the lost rating a bit faster, and reduce the damage done by loss streaks. I’ve got two ideas that might help when doing rated PvP.

First idea: Safety Net
Your rating can’t drop below certain thresholds. Your rating can only go down 150 of your highest rating. For example, if you’re at 1700, it can only go down to 1550. If your reach 1730, your safety net will be raised to 1580, and so on.

Second idea: Bounce back up
If you have suffered a big loss streak, you will start earning some bonus rating when you start winning, until you get close to where you used to be. Nothing too much, just a bit.

What do you think? I think this would help a lot with motivating players a bit to continue playing after a loss streak.

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But why should the game help you artificially? Maybe it was a fluke that you go so high, and you’re now at your actual rating where you belong.

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Started off great tonight, Winning like 4 solo shuffle rounds 4-2 and 5-1. Only to get 6-0 and 5-1 at 1750 :disappointed: The 6-0 looked sus like a booster too but it is what it is. I like to think i got a little better and will try to climb back up tomorrow. Plus im 51% towards a saddle :roll_eyes: Best of luck with your climb

I think punishement for 6 round lose is bit harsh right now.

Im type of player which usualy loses 0:6 when it comes to lose, 0:6 can be result of unluck of encountering impossible setup for your class, encountering wintraders etc, or someone tilts you to oblivion. For example I get tilted when I see we are wining the game, than we lose game because paladin dont use bubble or somehting stupid, after such a brain melting round i need 4-5 rounds to recover after someone turn my brain into pulp.

0:6 punishment shoud not be above 45 ratting…
Situation in which I found myself very offten: I play 3 hours, grinding my ratting slowly +15, +20… im doing well keep rolling those humble wins, than BAAAM one unlucky lose and -70, ALL 3 hours of work gone in just one unlucky game… its very hard to digest. And this is bigest flaw of current system.

Ive thought about this.
Heres what I think:
Make it so every 400 rating + to get a reward- for the sake of example lets call it “Coin of Greed”, you get 2x of those. Slap Bobbys face on it.
Once you use the coin while inside of the arena you cannot lose rating if you lose.
Its more interresting- gives strategic advantage if you use it properly, doesnt affect others, just you.
I dont like the Safety Net idea because it grants permanent immunity and doesnt add to the fun either.

Another fun idea is , you know how everyone tells you “well just git gud”, well how about designing arena with Target Dummies or Bots that you can practice on different situations, where you can mount them up and set them at different locations and set their pathways if you want them to also move, or cast certain spells.
Possibilities are endless.

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