Two things i thought and hoped for when started Sod

I thought now finaly we can playe smite priest, but no
I hoped for that paladins was able to some how to be corrupted and be able to turn to death knights.

Sod has been fun and a taste of what classic+ can be and look.
Looking forward to a classic+ and my hopes is that there i can play smite priest and a DK.

Death knights would destroy clssdic how it destroyed tbc in pre patch.
Sod is far from classic + 20k dps is way to much

A lot of the classes are so strong in SoD that I don’t think DK would be even that special in terms of power. DK during the release of Wotlk was truly a hero class, by the end of the expansion it got toned down a lot.

As for smite priest… I can appreciate your dedication for asking this for so long but I don’t see what niche it will even fill up. There already is a class filling the heal-through-damage spot and that is heal mage…

To make a second class do that would either make mage healers irrelevant if done wrong or completely underwhelming and a waste of time of development. It would be another spec, another ball they would have to try and balance on their head…

And I think everyone agrees the balance work hasn’t been great so far.

Smite priest is and was in vanilla and TBC a dps class whit of heal abilletys.
Tru is that they dont bring any thing to the table that other dont alredy do. The only difference is the have a synergy whit paladins and as paladins they are the only ones who is built around holy damage.
I realy would like to expand on that synergy.

you know you can play restokin if you really want that kind of synergy

Still hoping for DK next phase but as it stands it’s probably gonna be dwarf enhance.