TWW - Arathor Armor and Weapons


Love the plate one

Looks better than the tier


The mail one looks great!
The leather one though
 lets just say its a good thing i like the items we already have XD

It’s probably one of the nicer things my hunter will ever get :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Hey now the new hunter tier set looks fantastic!

 hahahaha no sorry, couldnt keep my composure XD

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I must say
 the assets team is doing a banger of a job. Dragonflight gear has looked great. Best since Legion and now even normal gear is getting highlights.
It’s a great time to transmog collect and look awesome.


wow so much better than tier sets! :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

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Some pretty neat designs here compared to the Tier sets. Really like the Mail set;

Pity I don’t play a Mail class :frowning:

Curious, that plate set has 2 different shoulders
 how would you Transmog that if you’re just applying to one shoulder?

Hot darn these look amazing. And it’s just QUESTING gear??
In prev expansions these would have been tier sets.

I guess with the change in collecting appearances it will be nice to get them all. Not that I play others much :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

They look scary GOOD hot damn

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Unpopular opinion: I think they’re okay but that might be because I am not playing a belf or alliance character currently, where they would look amazing.

As a Paladin, i may be biased, but these are arguably some of the best mog sets and weapon appearances ever created, and the fact that it is Open World and therefore much more accessible is a big W.

Also hilarious how much better of a ‘Paladin set’ this is than the actual datamined paladin set (which is just goofy in my opinion). Not too bothered considering I can just mog the tier set to the Arathor set

I think the key its the simplicity of these armours sets

I know they are plenty of details, but in somehow they seems “visually light” (mail and plate are my favs)

I like these armor sets / items. :slightly_smiling_face: They have that Warcraft feel to them.

They look so good! The leather is just meh around the pants, like what is that strap thingy.

And the mail, that is so much nicer compared to the tier set! Like what is with Blizz and making hunter tier sets so bad!

I hope the gold/white version of the plate and its polearm will be obtainable. Then my Paladin can finally look like Imperius, the Archangel from Diablo 3.

Would also been cool if Kultirans have gotten the customization to have Rexxar’s Buffed body. I mean it shouldn’t be difficult to do as Rexxar is based of Kultiran.

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