TWW as Melee (Tank, DPS)

As someone who has many different twinks i got the feeling, TWW is an Melee unfriendly Expension. Following reasons:

  1. The reduced range. On the one hand, I still miss my old range when tanking. o the other side, there is a lot stuff near bosses you have to dodge. Especially when this stuff slows. I fell constantly annoyed.
  2. Knockback - there are more knockbacks than before. The knockback cooldown is sometimes lower than the charge. in addition they are not kick-able.
  3. More slows. As Range you dont feel that stuff when you just can stand behind.
    Am i the only one?

P.S. I cant talk about M+ - i have stoped playing/tanking them because Blizz removed those keys, where i had the possibility to learn them. and the dungeons are not very smooth to play. No one wants to search for four agents the 20th time.

No matter how you twist this its almost always worse for ranged, the knockbacks affects them aswell, and theres a bunch of movements where alot of casters have to /stop cast instead of just zugzug like most melees.

Melee players face challenges in terms of positioning, which needs to be nearly perfect to perform well.
For example, as a melee player, you must always be aware of where your tank is positioned to avoid frontals and other mechanics directed at the tank. You can lose DPS when handling mechanics that need to be moved away from the fight or when you fail to reposition properly. Additionally, attacking too early or in the wrong place can lead to mistakes that can cost you your life.

On the other hand, ranged players have their own challenges. They often deal with most of the mechanics in raids, which require them to constantly adjust their positioning. At the same time, they need to stay active and press their abilities to avoid downtime in damage output.

Every role has its upsides and downsides.
In my opinion, melee is harder to execute properly, but it feels more rewarding when done well.

Prove me wrong, but only paladins, rogues and druids had increased melee range.

Rest of the melee classes didnt have any ever, and still managed somehow.

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