[TWW] Delves may require an interrupt to do fully, locking 2 of the 39 specs out of being able to do them solo

Hi guys.

So I haven’t actually played the beta myself, as I like to be surprised by the new expansion I have purchased but I have heard from a couple of people who play the game that all of the delves are theoretically possible with almost every class, except healer priest.

I am told that there are minibosses/bosses that require an interrupt to prevent them from dealing almost lethal damage. I was told that they tried again as holy to try to interrupt with chastise but it doesn’t work, and when it does work for dangerous casts, they just immediately recast as it isn’t an interrupt. Even a Holy Priest in the best of circumstances could only stop the lethal cast 2 times (maybe 3 depending on timing and other CC) before it going on and killing them. I was also told that they couldn’t actually even survive the cast, even using their major healing cooldowns reliably.

This to me brings to the forefront the fact that a lot of content is built around the assumption that every class has the same basic toolkit. As somebody who has played a priest healer in these instances or quests that you have to complete that REQUIRE you to use an interrupt, this seems like it must be a massive oversight, but doesn’t surprise me.

Healing priests need an interrupt. Especially if one of the major title aspects of the next expansion has scenarios where you need one, but we can’t. So we can’t progress unless we respec? But everybody else can play the spec they want in a delve. It’s so disrespectful.

Why not make silence a class talent that will interrupt and ONLY interrupt, when the target is casting. Then the silence aspect will be shadow only. The cooldown is insanely long for an interrupt anyway. It’s insane that the healing priests are singled out in such a way that they are the only 2 out of 39 specs that may not be able to complete the designed solo content alone.


Give all priest Silence in the class tree
Let shadow have a modifier for a better silence in there tree done

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