TWW feedback about tank classes & warrior (help them please !)

i read many things on wowhead and watched various streamer contents.

For the people reading this, i’m tanking in the top 0.9% of each season, then not a top 0.1% player, which means anyone with skill and time can do it. I generally play 2 classes seriously on a season but also all tanking class at least on 20+ keys and generally 1 heal and one DPS per season for the fun

First i want to talk about warrior. I don’t play warrior as main since S1, not because i don’t like it, but because i need to play meta to ensure a chance to be taken in PUG on 26+ keys.
Anyway it’s my life, it’s not the purpose of this topic.

Warrior, regarding all spec is pretty cool to play but as a player who played warrior since TLK, this class has almost zero real changes, especially on tanking part since mop.
Always the same gameplay, the same procs, the same cleave cycle, and the same defensives. Set change a bit the CD rotation on DF, but it’s not very interesting, no risks to consider, just press on each CD at the right moment, not overlapping. It’s the only class (since DF returned back postures) where we can decide as a tank to do more DPS or being more defensives (for real i mean). And it’s cool, keep it.

But as a MM+ player mainly (sorry but raids as a tank make me sleep, do something for this please), and the affix changes since S2/S3, we have a big big big problem with warrior, it has ZERO useful things for group (and don’t tell me battleshout, while more than 75% of classes has buffs, only rogue and DK don’t have either, but they have more advantages). No BL, no battle rez, no affix help (and don’t tell me 3min cd and have a useless talent is ok). As a people creating groups, why i would take a warrior which:

  • is not meta
  • has no CR
  • has no BL
  • has no CC (for CC weeks)
  • has no dispell (for dispell weeks or enraged weeks)

Every class has at least one or 2 of those tricks, and it’s cool, but no 5% DPS is clearly not useful for 99.5% of the player base, and don’t help warriors to be taken more than a pal or a rogue.
What i thought, why not having a first melee class to have a BL, like a Heroic shout or something. It make also a tank class have a BL (maybe consider the 3 tanks classes with no CR having BL can be nice too !). I saw you considered monk having not much things for MM+ (paralyze/dispell/buff) you added a enrage removal (which i cool, i like monk tank very much, but why monk and not war ??)

DH tank
I think it’s okay as it is , except that double sigil. I think this is powerful, but far more too much and will make it best class for many seasons. I think you should update it from 2 sigils, to 2 sigils + 20/30% increased reload timing, which make the talent less competitive and overabused compared to other tanks in MM+

Monk tank.
I don’t understand your rework on the general tree, roll and the tp will be totally broken for PvP (but it’s not your priority nowadays, and i don’t care, but i think about those players), but what’s the interest of this in dungeon/raids, especially as a tank. Roll to slow unslowable bosses or increase speed/remove snares ? weird, we’ll took talents for no reasons. Same for the TP, especially in raids, in most encounters it’s useless. For MM+, as a DPS using TP is very situational, as a tank it’s a cool promotion of the gameplay, especially to survive in some sneaky situations.
I think monk tank is cool, but regarding how DK works now, i think healers fear more monks than DK, because in very high keys monk expell is almost +100% hp press button every 5sec, is that what we expect ? the report is pretty low compared to this healing part, and we lost a bit our core processing around report. Also the monk tank HP pool is low. On SL season 3/4 it was very cool because we could do 2x more HP + heal due to set, but now, we have the lowest hp pools and we do 300k hps doing 1.5M healing every 5 sec (else we die, bye bye no cheat death). Can you reconsider a bit the class to use more the report to reduce this expell fest, anoying mostly healers and making the tanking fun but also frustrating sometimes.

dk tank
Nothing special to say on my side, the rebalancing done on DF make the spec better than on SL/BFA, a bit less justified than the warrior, there is a cast for mobs to CC in mm+ and a CR, but why not another counter affix, but please buff warrior before on this part :slight_smile:

druid tank
nothing special to say, thanks for removing this 30s spamming from SL and making the gameplay more keyboard living friendly. The only anoying thing is we cannot take the dispell without wasting must other useful talents as a tank, same, for MM+ only,

Pal tank
Nothing special to say, already have all it needs, the gameplay has been updated on DF and it’s ok, the tooling is insane, like the monk one

I don’t know if wow devs will read this, but if you read (and please read :D), save the warrior, never meta, no usefulness on MM+, for them (not for me , i don’t care)
