TWW Feedback and wishlist for Hunter

Hi, First time creating a topic on wow forums so IDK much about how to organize my post and it gets deleted for some reason so sorry in advance and I’m doing this after reading the hunter developers are reading feedback and I focus mostly on PvE Survival here and This is going to be a long one.

I’m not a long time player in fact a new player came here in Shadowlands from watching Jellybeans and Bicmex videos on Youtube but i shifted to PvE because PvP was too much work, after playing hunter in M+ I wanted to give other classes a shot so I played Fire and Frost Mage, Ret Pala, Outlaw rogue and now trying out Enhancement Shaman.

I pre purchased TWW and boosted this character to play and be ready to play the Night Elf Sentinel Survival Hunter after the hero talents was announced.

My Feedback on Hunter as a Class and Class Tree:
-So technically we bring nothing to a Raid or a M+ group other than 1% more damage from hunter’s mark which is bad and sometime I don’t bother pressing it compared to Any other class we are useless even though we had stuff in the past that worked for example the increased critical chance legendary from Resonating Arrow in Shadowlands and we need something to be competitive. my team and friends have told me several times we do not want you to play hunter when I hunter with them it makes their job harder and I feel like they are baby sitting me in the key.

-MOST IMPORTANT THING: Sentinel Owl needs to be buffed or changed or at least apply hunter’s mark to every target inside it.

My Wishlist on Hunter as a Class and Class Tree:
-I’ve been enjoying using explosive trap as a “grip” bringing caster closer to the group but i wish Explosive trap had a AoE stop effect that shoots up the enemies instead of knock back and we had Bursting Shot for a knockback in our tree.

-I wish to see better options with capstones maybe upgrading the death chakram to apply explosive shot would be great or changing stampede with a talent to summon extra Ferocity pet so you can use Blood lust without pet swapping and it doesn’t affect lone wolf would be great or even Wailing Arrow as an Instant Cast ability and have our own unique thing.

-please cutdown on most of the 2 point talents and enable us to have more options

My Feedback on Hunter Hero Talents:
-Dark Ranger is bad. the theme is not there and there nothing to talk about you shoot a black arrow and you watch a mage shoot 8 meteors down on the enemy and reroll to mage, but the smokescreen is good.

-Pack leader is not that bad but there is nothing special about it and does not have AoE potentials for SV outside of Coordinated Assault some talents needs to have more value to them like the pet summoning for 6 seconds should be full duration.

-Sentinel is good but some points should be combined i think we have 4 points applies sentinel debuff like what?

My Wishlist on Hunter Hero Talents:
-Dark arrow is really bad at least make the proc synergy to reset Kill Command and Aimed shot and replacing them with a Dark Command or a Dark Aimed Shot that does shadow damage making use of the other talent that heals you for shadow damage, the dark chain needs a 70% slow and be a choice node we don’t want to slow random things in PvE and the Shadow hounds needs to be changed 100%.

-Pack leader at least for me sounds like its good if you know what you are doing but I wish if the kill command activating twice was the main focus and gaining more.

-Sentinel’s Lunar Storm could have an active option maybe remove sentinel owl from class tree and replace it with this option having a fixed cooldown and giving crit to your party, combining Release and Reload and Extrapolated Shots as 1 talent point and adding a single target damaging option to the talent tree what i like is getting more Kill Shots and again with the passive snares they need to be changed please atleast some movement speed immunity instead.

My Feedback and Wishlist on Survival Hunter In DF going to TWW:
-Issue with Wildfire Infusion Reapplying an existing bomb dot is a huge damage loss in AoE and the bomb dot needs to be seperate and Internal Bleeding and Violent Reaction damage need a slight buff

-I prefer and like DF version of survival over Shadowlands but something doesn’t feel right about hunter’s compared to other classes, we have so many and many talents giving us passive damages with 2 points Activating nothing and not Having synergy with each other, so far in DF I like Spearhead but the cooldown is too long and the damage can be underwhelming without a tier set to back it up and its too much investment to get it , all of the 2 point talents in the 7th row needs to be changed to 1 point and talents like Viper’s Venom, Quick Shot, Bloody Claws and Explosive Expert need a massive buff

-Coordinated Assault bomb initial damage buff is really underwhelming and I always liked the bomb reset talent but with Wildfire infusion being bad and the 20% initial damage is really low its only good for Single Target and even there we don’t use the pet attack buff for the bomb so technically I can’t burn down my enemies with bombs.

-FoTE needs a better way to reset its cooldown Maybe Frenzy Strikes would be a good best way to reduce its cooldown having a Single Target ability to reset an AoE ability feels and plays REALLY bad.

as a Hunter all I want is to play the game and when my Class and Spec gets bad press the amount of invites for me goes down my friends no longer want to play with me and shifting me into other classes not because I find them interesting but because I am forced to.

thx for reading my post :smiley:


Big changes they need to do for Survival in my opinion:
Put Coordinated Assault on the left side of the tree, Spearhead in the middle and Fury of the Eagle on the right.
I hate using Wildfire Bombs in melee combat, and they keep on nearly forcing me to path in a weird way so I can get both Spearhead and Fury…
Both Hero Trees also revolve around Coordinated Assaults, which makes it feel really weird.

They need to reduce all 2 point talents and do a Ret-Paladin rework. Survival also needs more cleave, like a pet or Kill Command cleave in my opinion!

Could also make Butchery (and maybe Carve too) gain on two targets over Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite. Make Butchery hit hard again Blizz.

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Cool Ideas !
also can’t go wrong with Butchery consuming Poison Injection stacks too.

BTW new Alpha build coming up soon I hope there are some news for us Hunters!

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We can only pray to RNG-Jesus to take pitty on us. :wink: