Tww Feral Beta (PvP) Wild Attunement

Feral in the beta still have Wild Attunement, would be nice if u guys (devs) can remove this Spell and buff Single Target dmg instead?

some Peoples like this Gameplay, but most of them Dont, and the opponent doesn’t like it either

Pls Remove, or Nerf this Talent, and Tune the Dmg around Bleeds, Thanks


u know tune the dmg around bleeds means a buff to bleeds? cuz it does negative dmg. bite is fine

There is many issues to this pvp talent.

First it encourages bad behavior, cloning for the sake of cloning anything in sight :
Since our damage are tied mostly to this talent and our tier set.

Second, since we need to cast clone and we are a melee spec, people will mostly focus us down to stop our cast.
In many games we eat every damn kick and cc. We spend our time getting trained because we are the most squishy spec and they can’t let us clone.

It’s frustrating for us because getting trained every game without any option but to count on our healer isn’t fun. Having to play 4d chess just to land one clone is exhausting while getting trained.
And having damage tied to cc is a really bad design imo.

Id we had enough damage to pressure ennemis without clone we wouldn’t need to spam clone as much as we do currently.

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Im a feral main my man i know what you mean just the way you phrased it initially calling for a nerf to wild attunement made me angry.
Because no matter how bad the gameplay is this talent is the only thing keeping us afloat.
And its far from ideal i agree but no nerfs to feral should come our way.
Only a proper rework is permisable.
Also there talents like Lycaras Teachings that are bugged, they grant you the stats but 6 seconds later instead of instantly.
How do i know its bugged ? well if you pick Protector Of The Pack or however the last talent was called then lycaras teachings is working properly however in arena you dont run it.
Rake stun is clunky and doesnt work sometimes too.
Well honned insticts gets canceled sometimes when you swap forms which makes it a really dull design.
Talents are still in alpha version in general.
We lost 5 traits just by coming from SL to DF and going into TWW we lose another 3 while our gameplay remains awful and what is given to us close to nothing if we compare it to the modern design and what is given to others.
Aside from enha shamans who at least gained a immunity as in Burrow, they also need more attention.


ofc, without this talent, feral would be F tier, but the gameplay itself is also F tier, especially into Dk´s/ Shaman´s / Double meele Cleave

it´s also toxic gameplay for the opponent when they dont have as much kicks as double meele comps, or shaman comps, cuz the counterplay to it, is really limited


it really is bad designe, and thats the reason why i complain about it, this pvp talent is bad designe, and frustrating to play with/against it

like in previous expansions, and this is when i had fun to play this class, i just want to have fun again, but the current Gameplay is the exact opposite

and i dont know why i should play a game what is no fun in the first place, especially when u can fix this “bad designe” so easily

also kinda cringe that we have to invest so many talent points to get a burst cd what does something.

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How they managed to make this spec so bad all the way from their glory times in wrath?
Feral in wrath was Wild and fun and now we have this?


because of m+ they gave feral aoe dmg, but good st dmg and aoe in the same time isnt okay for blizz, so they nerfed our singletarget dmg, and buffed our aoe dmg instead, to make feral viable in cringe m+

m+ and the laziness is the main problem

feral cant have good single target bleeds, as long as the current version of primal wrath exist

it´s just an aoe spell, what spreads our Singletarget bleed to multiple targets, so ofc it is bad in single target fights

there is so much wrong with the feral class currently it´s crazy to me, how they destroyed the philosophy behind this class

i have played also Wotlk classic, and it is crazy to me, how a version of wow what is 16 years old is better and more fun to play, than the current version when it comes to the feral class designe

also Blizz is ignoring us, even on the us forum a multi r1 feral made a post about this issue, it also had 100+ likes and many comments so his post got pushed by allot

what is? did blizz do anything? nope we still have this talent on the beta, and the gameplay is the same XD

BUT mages complain and getting 2 beta class tunings in one day!

Also to get a “good burst cd” i have to invest 6 Talent Points, which other class have to do this?

some classes are close to be back on a mop level when it comes to the utility, while feral shapeshift is still locked behind a long global cd, + with tww we will also lose astral influence, so close to zero survivability buffs, and also a meele range nerf in tww

pvp talent still unchanged, so probably nothing will happen and feral will be the same.

wish our devs “if we have any at all” could listen to us for once, but nope they are busy with mage, warri, and pala

i might sound biased but this is the whole frustration from the last 2 years, i play this game to have fun, but cant because my class isnt fun for the first time after 8 years of playing it

and the worst about the whole thing is, the ignorance from blizz, keep ignoring the druid player community even on us, and try only to do bandaid fixes, or the most necessary

i think druid only exist as an healer for them. like in classic, every other spec is just a meme, and “fun spec”

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And thats a real problem.
Look at fury warrior spec that have good insane Aoe and good ST.

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Many spec gave both decent AOE and st
(Sp destro for example)

Right now in PvE, feral is ok in ST and bad in cleave.
Feral AOE is based mainly on Tears open wound that force us to spam prima wrath.
TWW design so far in cleave is really fun to me and is quite different from DF damage profile.
Basically we apply primal wrath once every 10s ish and then we weave bite in between.

A lot of our damage is center around bite relative’s node (rampant ferocity and bursting growth for wildstalker, ravage for dotc)
Since the removal of tear open wound, I hope they can buff rip now without breaking our aoe damage.

EDIT : i did a quick 3-4min on 4 dummies on beta with a wildstalker build.
Rip was 15.6% of my damage
Rake 13.2%
FB 10.7%
Rampant ferocity 13.8%
Bursting growth 10.9%

Fb + node relative to it = 35.5% more or less of my damage

it would be better, if they take the bleed from trash, or make a new only “aoe” bleed, so they can buff rip without a problem

atleast they remove tears open wound, it was so degenerate to spam aoe rip even when it is already on the enemy

Pvp in Tww is currently weird, rip only krits for 150k per tick while everyone have 5 mio hp

rip in tww krit 150k/ retail 50k
Ferocious bite 700-900k non crit 1.7-2k krit
surprisingly the dot from the wildstalker tree does 200-250k per krit and is by far place 1 in overall dmg
feral frenzy is 250k per krit

the dmg in tww feels a bit better, but rip on Tww in pvp is still not good, unless you do this on 2 targets, rip getting outperformed in single target, by rake, Wildstalker bleed, bite and feral frenzy if you are be able to land clones

they just should make a pvp talent where we can focus on Singletarget bleeds or something

because doting 2 targets in tww feels not good with the nerfed energy regeneration especially when bite can krit up to 2 mio, it feels not worth to spread rip

Isnt this because they nerfed rip dmg in PvP at the start of DF?

atm there is a -18% aura nerf on both RIP and Rake yup

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yeah, because of primal wrath

it was more due to tear open wound tho

or this yeah, idk why they cant just revert the nerf on the beta, since tear open wounds is gone

because they didnt? yeah thats dumb.

All major abilities of feral have a 20% nerf at least xD

i could understand why they made mods on bite, but on rip and rake is just dump bro, it does negative dmg in pvp singletarget, and multi bleed makes no sense cuz we have energy problems

i just checked, there is still the modifier on rake and rip
i dont mind on bite but on rake and rip …

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It will take ages to revert this just like the nerf to frenzy regen thst was nerfed mid SL

yeah i think blizz already forgot that theres are mods on the spell

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