TWW - Human Diplomacy

Never. I always played the races that I found aesthetically pleasing or otherwise attractive to me.

In vanilla, I was a NE priest when dwarf was the advantageous pick for Fear Ward (we still got the server first for BWL, and we even had a tank paladin too, which was a real novelty at the time!). Then later I mained a Worgen druid and stuck with it even when NE (Shadowmeld) surfaced as the objectively best druid race. And now I’m a Vulpera, when dwarf has the best racials (and orc would arguably be a better fit thematically).

In my perfect world, most racials, especially those that affect gameplay, would be selectable by the player so that there aren’t clearly superior racials tied to specific races only (Shadowmeld, Stoneskin, previously Arcane Torrent before they changed it, etc).

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Almost this.

The aesthetic I agree with, as in my earlier post.
But not the blending of the racials. Blizzard need to resist the idea to make everyone basically the same character with just a different fashionable look.

I’m more and more thinking this is just another thing that one Blizzard employee with a bit of clout saw as an issue when it’s not and now something else that is and always has been working perfectly well is about to be messed about with and edited by moderator

You tank keys? Dwarf master race.

I can see why really. Back when reps were optional side content (Ogrila etc) this was a nice perk.
But since around Legion so much of the game (even quest conent) has been gated behind reps and there has been so many reps.

Although I wish I’d finished my Insane rep grind before this happened. I only need abour 18,000 ravenholdt rep for it. But I got tired of pickpocketing murlocs…

Not really. In fact it’s kinda annoying it turns pretty round numbers into a mess.

Rolled my warrior when wow launched, this racial has gotten me to 107 reps and I will be 110 for war within so good timing for me,

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Will they add any new racial in exchange?

The EMFH is useless since its two nerfs. everyone use the anti cc trinket, even when play human.

We don’t want players to feel compelled to play a specific character or race

Also Blizzard
In PvP 99% of stealth speccs and many more only play NIGHTELF for there racial

And i think in M+ its meta too

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Pass. I was forced to be Dwarf in Aberrus so I’ve done that enough.

Nah. Clare used to be human because I wanted to play a human, no matter the racials. Also, there were no playable worgen back in BC. I race changed her into a worgen because I wanted to play a worgen later on.

Diplomacy was still a nice racial, I’m sure a lot of people are going to miss it.

Best would be to replace all game-changing racials with cosmetic ones or to erase them altogether so people would be able to play the game with whichever race they want it to. (Though minmaxing is only a real thing when someone wants to play competitively.)

I always liked that my class or race was special with special abilities. Yes, I picked my human race back in Vanilla because of Diplomacy, I later picked more human classes because of the same.
Why does everything have to be so mainstream these days? Not too many skills, not too many talent options to make a unique char, (soon) not any racials, not any class specific skills etc.
Being called a hero or champion in-game doesn’t matter to me but all kinds of configuration possibilities makes it fun to play your char.
Personally I would like to see it ALL back.

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Now that we have started this outcry again, nerf the rest of the wretched racials already.

If they give dwarfs to horde (with earthen allied race) then I would like my diplomacy to be turned into a crazy dps buff like troll or orc has.

Every time they make an allied race they get their own set of racials. I remember that the Earthen racials have been datamined but off the top of my head can’t remember what they are.

Well since my main in SoD is human mage, big YES.

But in the retail the last time I played human was in MoP when I bosted a human to lv90. It ended up forgotten. After that I still haven’t used a single boost.

I m pro removing ALL racial traits (especially the smurf one for v.elves)

Let players choosing with their tastes and loves not for the meta.

It would have been the way to go in around cataclysm but they kept ignoring overpowered horde racials for so long everyone was forced to swap to horde because pve was easier with those racials. Over the years just a better playerbase built up there. If they remove them now it wouldn’t matter at all anymore.

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I only chose a human mage as my main when I first saw one in one of the cinematics. The bonus rep was just a great extra.
I always play the race/class combo that I think suit well together rather then the racials

I would never play a human in a fantasy game.
I’m a human in real life. Idk what you guys are.

So when everyone rolled forsaken and Orcs for the arena racials in TBC it was OK, when rerolling happened in late Wrath to Orcs and Trolls who got momentum up to MoP it was fine. When Horde had better M+ racials whole Legion to the point when Blizzard was forced to nerf even Blood Elves in the end of X-pack, it was somehow tottaly not broken for a decade.

But now Humans dare to silver talk their way to faster progression? Progression that is guaranteed to everyone 10% slower but still unlike racials that literally give 3% more dps/hps of extra CC? :clown_face: