With the coming of TWW 3 expansions will have passed since Legion and for many specs the artefact weapons are still their most iconic weapons. It is time to make the mage tower weapon appearances obtainable again in some way or capacity. If not through the mage tower itself then perhaps through some other means (or new challenges perhaps). Also, please consider making order halls somewhat relevant again, even if it’s just by simply updating the training dummies to the current level cap.
Why is it the perfect time, as opposed to say, 2026?
If they didn’t bring back MoP Challenge Mode appearances, there is no way they’re reintroducing these.
I think as time goes Blizzard sees increasingly more value in using content and rewards that they have previously removed from the game.
For one because players want it and Blizzard have an interest in delivering on what players want. But also because it’s an easy way for Blizzard to introduce more content and rewards to the game without having to actually produce it from scratch, which is a huge boon to any game development production that’s already stretched to its limits.
And I think we’ve seen them do that quite a lot recently already, and there’s no reason to assume they’ll suddenly stop for one reason or the other.
It’s just a question of when. Not sure if that’s now as far as Mage Tower weapons are concerned, but maybe?
Relax, they just started with T3 in this expansion. We have some time before they reintroduce everything from TBC to WOD for them to reach legion.
Until then start farming gold, since you saw how much farming and gold T3 needed.
I’ll get Fibre Broadband then [“planned” after being delayed constantly since 2016], might improve my chances!
Don’t see how it’s perfect now. It’s as good a time now as it has ever been or ever will be.
Personally I think the most likely time would be a Legion Remix, if that’s ever a thing, but wouldn’t surprise me if that was next on their list.
Other than that, I think the old artifact appearances should be obtainable during every Legion timewalking. That would give them time to fix any issues and straighten out the difficulty of each challenge between the events.
Nothing in the OP explains why now the perfect time. You could’ve just said you wanted it back Its unlikely to come back but I wouldnt mind new challenges.
I would never use any of those specific Paladin appearances myself.
But yes, they definitely should. It’s been 10 years almost since legion dropped, 1/10 of a yearhundret.
It has been exclusive long enough.
It’s been almost 8 years to be precise. No need to exaggerate…
I said “almost”. But yes, I got the dates still wrong.
I thought Legion came out 2014 for some reason.
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