TWW monk pvp gutted

So they removed serenity, yes Serenity wtf. Forcing monks to use the clunky and easy to counter/cc SeF. Tiger palm from 50 to 60 energy to “help”. And introducing haste to buff just one channeled ability that can also be avoided, leaving us with less mastery for overall damage on other abilities.

Skyreach, to catch up. Removed, thanks.

Mark of the crane, only main target thanks.

Having to focus on haste now leaving us with less mastery and less damage there’s probably no room for any crit. Say goodbye to the bursty critting monk.

Don’t try to “fix” what isn’t broken.

Thanks for destroying my favorite class monk dev, good job. RIP


Couldn’t you argue serenity is just as easy to CC as SEF? Yeh they get snared etc but so do we in serenity? :man_shrugging:t2:

totally agree… I think Monks dmg will be fine, but having a main dps spell that can just be rooted… you urself can get dispelled or use ur trinket, but those clones… you almost never get the value and lose dmg pressing that button…

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Mobility should never be in core rotation skills ( skyreach ). Actually good they removed that. We don’t need it, stop overreacting. We even got clash ( which is amazing for peels and uptime )

If you see those changes as a " Destroyed my class " you didn’t like Monk, you like the toxic behaviour that the class had for 4 years. Bursting the SH*T out of everything because you can and you are a Monk, with 0 skill involved. L2P, now you have MORE movility ( but you have to use your brain cells ) and now you have MUCH more consistent damage out of your 20 CD’s… You seem be playing Monk in the " BURST STATE " cause It was plain broken, you just don’t like Monk.

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