TWW - Mounts

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So imma need that Earthen horse please

Great, I’ll get my lawnmower out and prepared. Shaggy grassy things are in need of a trim.

I kind of adore the simple boat

But I love the Lynx mounts

The oversized Horn goats are cute too

I do not like those skittering things

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Worry not, wowhead datamined this giant bowl contraption to help, probably some reward for another FOMO event… here’s it in action:

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Its the grass that makes the mount :open_mouth:

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still no ducks?

I think if it’s TWW the ducks have been and gone sadly.

such a pity…

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I want them all!

FML those spiders are horrible, please tell me they turn into crabs as well!
I like the Lynx but the rest is neh, the faces especially on horses are… weird.

… just picturing what the skittering spiders with dynamic flying are like coming towards you from the sky :flushed:

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I got a sneaking suspicion those Shadow Elementals will be the KSM mounts

My absolute favourites are the lynxes and the boats. The cloud gryphons are also beautiful though! Will be nice to get some of these. :slightly_smiling_face:

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