TWW pre-patch broke the Legion Mage Tower challenges. They are very overtuned right now

The mage tower challenges seem to be very overtuned since the The War Within pre-patch launched. I was close to completing “Closing the Eye” and “The God-Queen’s Fury” on the day before the pre-patch. But now with the new patch live the same challenges are much more brutal bordering on impossible.
Has anyone had any luck in completing these challenges after the pre-patch hit?


yeah, there are iissues with scaling throughout the game now. especially when leveling.


Dang so it’s not just the mage tower then. :frowning: Very sad to hear this

I did all 36 mage tower challenges back in legion (all classes/spec) . Tried today the destro warlock challenge (felltotems fall). I was not able to survive longer then 30-40 seconds, even with very good gear (25 gem sockets) and enchants. Incoming Damage is way to high (maybe 100% more), Enemy life ist maybe 50% higher then before the prepatch. Scaling is realy brutal…


While the mage tower’s scaling is far higher now, it should also not return to what it was in Dragonflight where only 2 challenges had proper tuning. Fx every version of Closing the Eye could be done VERY safely on a lvl 50 class trial (which means trash green gear and missing 20 talents), and most of the melee dps challenges were doable in less than 30 seconds with decent gear (this is not an exaggeration - just check clips in the timewalking discord, the world record was 7 seconds).

If hero talents will work in mage tower, then that on its own will be a 15-20% nerf to the output difficulty and provide substantial defensive value on top that can’t really be estimated due to how unbalanced the hero trees are.

As for gear - join the timewalking discord and look at the mage tower guide if you want to see what gear is actually best (or far more importantly, what is the most efficient to obtain for a big power spike).

DK starting area also has scaling issues. The Frostbrood Vanquisher has enough mana for 2 shots, which wouldn’t be a problem, but also survives about 1 and 1/3rd of a ballista shot, which makes the quest impossible to complete, because those ballista also pretty much 1 shot you in landwalker mode.

very overtuned

The tuning is the same but TWW increased the ilvl of gear while not changing the cap in MT. So instead of the gear equivalent of a level 40, you now run the gear of a level 27 - which is roughly a 30% nerf to player power.

very good gear (25 gem sockets) and enchants.

Mind sharing your gear?

DK starting area…

Different topic and better suited/visible in a separate thread?

Just BC gear with max slots. Ilvl between 160-332 (farmed in Sunwell/normal CT/heroic BC Dungeons) 3 slot weapon from SW/MT (not BIS but cheaper than sha-touched) . 3 slot Head without meta. 3 slot belt (belt buckle). Legion Legendary Rings & pod and ghost iron dragonling trinkets. Not BIS but pretty close i guess…

Yeah pretty decent and could be way worse! Cloth has some more options, rings could be swapped, but it would have been plenty as BiS was never needed.

That said, news from NA is that MT is still 120 and therefore not recommended.

@Blizzard, any update on this scaling issue or?


Good to know, I though I was getting old and slow.


I’ve managed to do the Holy Priest challenge and I do think the difficulty is extreme.

I’ve also tried the Arms Warrior challenge and the difficulty seems impossible, not due to mechanics but due to low DPS output. It’s clearly tuned in a way that is impossible to get through.


Blizzard please fix this problem.

The mage tower seems to be impossible right now.


Some are still doable.
I did all 36 back in legion and came back for the sets with my Arms Warrior (good S4 gear).
Did the challenge, but very close and as far as i remember Arms was one of the easier ones.

Tried Tank Warrior after, pointless atm…

Oh, phew! Im not only one, who having problemos with mage tower.
I’ve collected all socket gear, enchant is out of wazoo watched plenty of videos and guides, did almost 36 tries and, so far, my personal best is ~35% hp of main boss in frost mage challenge.
Main thing, which i’ve noticed, that frost mages should soak one of the mechanics with theirs elemental, but mages don’t have controlled elemental anymore. It was doable to soak everything by self before pre-patch and ILVL resquish (in which period last videos was recorded)
I assume mobs is should one-shot me, so i did my best to avoid them, but whole fight is feeling like i trying kill the boss with the spoon and eventually i get ran of HP, because boss simply spamming 2k dmg shadowbolt, as i said, i got near best gear for scaling shenanigans, i have 11k HP.
I even compared my HP to HP of players, who recorded video-guides of this challenge and i have ~2k hp more, which makes me think, that since all this videos was created before TTW pre-patch, i chose such a poor timing for trying to do this challenge.

Simple explanation is: on WowHead, boss health info is 250k, but in game right now boss have 550k.



It would seems Early Access scaling hotfix (08/28) is not fixed Mage Tower scaling problem at all. I think vast majority of players will notice this problem during timewalking weeks for sure.

Even if Tour of Towers achievement is currently undoable and most guides is outdated, i want to share some of my tips, if someone want try to do it:
Enchants, gems and consumables you can find in wowhead’s guide about Mage Tower, its still reliable section.
But about gear, i can tell that since last ILVL squish, TBC raid/dungeon gear with socket slots is best option. Currently, TBC dungeons drops 140 ilvl, TBC raids drops 156 ilvl. During Mage Tower scenario, gear will be squished to 120 ilvl, but you will keep sockets, which is main reason why TBC gear is best option. I tried to use WotLK gear, but it would seems WotLK currently have some weird scaling, which make some items having negative stat! (-2 stamina, for example)

With full preparation and fully best in slot, cheesy strategy, with a lot of time and effort, some of challenges seems doable (Twin brothers, at least)
But its just seems like not worth the effort and its clearly needs to be balanced.