TWW - Professions

I freaking loathe the knowledge system, it’s incredibly unfriendly for alts and late comers…

Points should be accumulated as you level it, and give it a points cap to make your choice more meaningful instead of going after everything. But you can reset it be it at a cost or once a week or whatever.

I love the new professions, it’s more engaging and requires more time investment to figure out what’s going on, once you get in to it, it’s very interesting. But the current system needs improvements that’s for sure. They need to work on knowledge points, better organizing trees and work orders.

In DF I did Alchemy, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Mining and Herbalism. I am not big gatherer, but they are not too bad. JC made me the most money, Inscription was the most interesting and Alchemy was the most annoying.

I would really like to see improvements, maybe some mini games added or profession related. Also secondary professions like Fishing and Cooking could get some love. Pretty much gave up on giving any feedback on Archeology, since they didn’t do anything about it for the last few exoansions. If they do something, would like to be retroactive, imagine what could you be able to discover in Nazjatar, or even now in DF…

This really was a major flaw of the system. Once you made a mistake with the skill tree there was no option to undo it. Add in that the system was egregiously gated, this made the system open to huge amounts of people loosing interest early on.

The work order system was the best idea in the crafting of the expansion, but not adding quality options for public requests was another major failing.

The thing that really annoyed me was the gating of specific very important recipes. I lost track of how many hunts I wasted time on for the fierce armor kit. And I still stupidly go to zones highlighted for the lariate recipe, although I get bored very quickly these days and go do something else within 20 minutes.

I have quests… If I try again understand what blizzard show about professions warband in video.

Do we get account wide profession’s level skills for alts? And recipes too?

If my chara engineering all leveled skills and alt as engineering get same skills?
Am I mistake heard?

This video or something from a content creator? Or different video from WoW?

I’ve not read anything about profession skills being shared, just that you can share mats via the warband bank.

yes this video what I saw about profession

Well, I’m alwasy wanted profession skills get account-wide and recipes for alts.
Since it’s much works

It just explains how sharing a bank makes it easier and more efficient to level your warband.

I am simple fool when it comes to professions
Herbalism + Alchemy for “free” potions and mining and engineering for the wormhole generator, free portals
And cooking
The rest?
Would not touch them with a ten foot pole, the time it would be relevant to cratf a gear, even as a lazy casual I outgered it
Tailoring for bags and bandages maybe… but even that is a big maybe :thinking:

Sure there is an option - you just keep collecting knowledge points in coming weeks and you can fill the “right” skill tree and be on right track. “Mistake” is just temporary as those “wrongly” put points can be a winner later and you already have them.
Only thing you need to do is be smart and read when putting points.

Whether it is failure or not, it is all down to perception, someone will like it, someone wont. While it would be easier to have quality on public ones, there are good reasons why it is not implemented. Im totally indifferent since I only use personal ones.

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All well and good, but the talent system was gated behind a weekly quest system and random drops. It is the fact that making that mistake was so costly in time that was the pain. When you also factor in that this was a major benefit to enhancing your abilities, it just created unnecessary stress.

You may get a lot of enjoyment from banging your head on brick walls, strangely I do not.

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I miss the old professions, honestly…
It was just a simpler, more straight-forward approach. :frowning:


I looked at Professions in this expansion as equal to AP grinding. You needed to really graft, skimp and scrape to get those points to level up. With no decent or proper catch mechanics in place either. Grind more currencies to buy KP was not decent or kind catch up system.

I am not a big fan of this ranking system either. Inspiration is now changed to Concentration. I mean if you have grinded and maxed the tree you should just be able to craft the max and produce the best item. No need for more RNG BS on relying on just another convoluted system.

Yes, mistake was costly in time, but it is not “bricking” anyone making it impossible. Expansion lasts for 2 years and at most you can be behind is 1-2 months until you back on track.
I did a lot of “mistakes” on all my crafters when speccing at the beginning and all of them are crafting since S2. Only difference is I didnt quit, but continued.

Having other things to do with your day doesn’t make you a quitter, it just shows that you are not letting a game rule your life. When a game does that, then it is time to walk away.


DF was the only exp where i disliked professions. i only max mining. bs and tailor. the other were well behind. gold sinkin, complicated, clueless. bad bad bad.
I hope TWW will be better.


like almost everything in retail way to complicated to even bother to lvl up professions, its a p2win system.

nah. isnt a pay to win. is unfun, complicated and time sinkin. you cant pay to max herbalism.

Pray tell me how it is a P2W system?
No amount of gold will max out your skill points

Do you even know how the system works?

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Curious if you can put BoP mats into the war band bank so your alts can make use of them with their professions.

Seems you just learnt a buzzword you have no idea what it means…