[TWW] So about the Arathi

They’re villains, right? The lot of them? Can we raid their villages and pillage their resources for the might of the Horde as Hellscream intended?

Get some warscouts, call the forsaken, blight Mereldar a little bit and then we can harvest those shiny crystals they got everywhere.


Nah, not really.

Feel free to genocide the ones leaving their containment zone of Khaz Algar though.

There’s no honour in fighting a crippled enemy, and the Arathi teeter on the edge of destruction already.

They are expansionist in nature and hardly conceal their desire to claim Azeroth for their “emperor”.

Honour this, honour that. They do fight well, and crippled as they may be, if you corner a wolf it’ll give you a good scrap.

C’mon. You know you wanna. Think of the loot. The pillage. The glory.

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Although I don’t agree with Corpseburner, because he is as dishonourable as the whole Horde…

He got a point about the Arathi wanting to conquer the world for their Emperor! They even have a outpost in the Eastern Kingdoms!

Looks suspiciously at Stromgarde

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“Dishonourable”. Would somebody who is “dishonourable” choose to bomb the orphanage first to spare them the tragedy of war?

Please. I don’t.

I like :poop:-posting! :smirk:

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Well. I guess, if you are strictly for the Horde, and do not believe in the Light, or other people, they would be the hostile members, but overall by story, they are the good guys falling on bad days due to cultists, Beladar, and a pinch of home sickness.

As an undead shadow priest I would like to a least hand in a strongly worded complaint to their management on accounts of the language used in my presence.

That aside: Wait until they decide to (re?-)join the Alliance, go “home” and get aggressive over who the neighbours are.
I’m sure no one will be bothered if people start rebuilding Thoradin’s Wall on a whim atm.

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They have to (re-)join the Alliance, since the Horde is stronger tham the Alliance, by far and the Arathi could balance those numbers (and bring in much needed tech to counter the Iron Horde and Goblin tech!)

Spoilers for TWW

I think they’re being set up as a villain. When you talk to Faerin Lothar in one of the side quests, Anduin suggests he’d like going to the Empire, and she gets awkward and tells him that the Empire is far less tolerant and welcoming than the Hallowfall expedition, who had to soften to make new allies in a desperate situation.

I am reminded of the 40K Imperium a lot between the Holy Emperor and his visions and the importance of religion in their society.

We’ve had the Draenei on Draenor go Light-coocoo, we’ve seen Xe’ra try to pull some dodgy stuff with Illidan, I think we’re headed towards fighting a Holy Light-themed faction and the Titans by the end of the World Soul Saga.

While this is true, there is also the entire notion that the Arathi, clearly, are seeing change. The Hallowfall Expedition might see the flames of change return to the Empire with their return, as even their most reactionary members ease down on their worries and call you an ally, and even a friend, once folks such as the undead, shadow priests, warlocks, death knights, and demon hunters prove that they are there to help.

With this, I sort of disagree with. To me, it seems a lot more like something in the vein of the Empire from Warhammer Fantasy or the Cities of Sigmar from Age of Sigmar, down to the aesthetics of their architecture, the holy flames, the engineering, their military structure, their mentions of pike and shot tactics in their past…

All in all? If the Hallowfall Expedition manage to make their mark in Arathi society once they return home, it’s giving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5nFT1Nco-w

Also, I don’t know where this idea of them ‘rejoining’ the Alliance came from. The Alliance has been around for roughly four decades, and they have been away from the Eastern Kingdoms from over seven centuries. If they are as militaristic, expansionist, zealous, and messed up as you’re all thinking of them; wouldn’t they have beef with their former kingdoms-in-revolt? I really don’t understand what the logic would be of them joining in, one way or another, beyond streamlining the one culturally distinct human culture we get in twenty years into the human faction.


Wow the Kul Tiran and Gilneans exist too D:

We know more lore about Arathi common sayings than we know of any Gilnean lore not related to Genn Greymane.


Now, it’d be bad of me to say “I told you so”, but the Shadow Council told you so.

Never too late to drink this mountain dew and raid their empire!

What I´d love to see is an expansion set in Eastern Kingdoms, focused on fighting off an Arathi invasion, defeating it (possibly finishing it at a raid in an island off the coast of EK that serves as their main forward base so we get a bit of Arathi architecture there too and a cool new patch zone), and then going into follow-up expansion that focuses on Arathi homeland where we go defeat the forces of the Emperor alongside other Arathi in what would effectively be a civil war.

They just in general feel like a faction that would be utterly wasted as our ally, especially when we can use Hallowfall Arathi for that purpose due to their experiences underground changing their perspective. Ever since Scourge, Legion, Old Gods and faction war have been dealt with, the world has been in severe need of interesting new enemies. And if Midnight ends up to be Renilash and defeat of the Void, and we solve the Titan story in Last Titan, we will be completely out of big bads to fight, so a massive empire on the other side of the world that we can call not-Seanchan would work well as new threat.


It’s refreshing to see a potential antagonist that isn’t on a 6D Hungry Hippo tier plan to remake reality or is corrupted by cosmic gunk. The Arathi, if they end up being antagonists, will be refreshing in the same way Lei Shenn was.


absolutely not this imo (world’s #1 empire fan here hehe), bar for maybe le epic for le emperor!! holy sigmar!! memes, I can see overlap with AoS Cities of Sigmar aesthetics for sure though and that’s probably a closer match aesthetically (and narratively, what with the cut-off expedition stuck in a horrid environment)

I don’t think the comparison with 40k is too off though, I got the same vibe a little with all the holy emperor this and that-ing around. I don’t think it helps that in the previous zone there were definitely some moments were the Earthen felt a little, uhh, inspired by 40k’s Adeptus Mechanicus either

What this mostly means is that the worst people will use it to justify their non-WoW RP in WoW, primarily, I think, but yeah, I don’t exactly see them ‘returning’ to the Eastern Kingdoms

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No true orc would go out of their way to avoid a battle! I would join you in plundering their settlements. The weak will be crushed beneath our boots!

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