TWW Unbalanced PvP BM hunter and Forst Mage VERY OP atm

The Unbalanced War Within PvP: Overpowered Beast Mastery Hunters and Frost Mages Ruining the Experience

PvP has always been the heart and soul of World of Warcraft, but lately, something has been off. As many players have noticed, the game’s PvP meta is being completely dominated by two classes: Beast Mastery Hunters and Frost Mages. This imbalance has made the once-vibrant battlegrounds feel more like a one-sided struggle, and if Blizzard doesn’t step in soon, we may see the death of PvP as we know it.

Beast Mastery Hunters: A Dominant Force

Beast Mastery Hunters have become one of the most overpowered specs in recent patches. With their ability to deal massive damage, kite effectively, and consistently apply crowd control, they’ve become a nightmare for other classes to deal with. The combination of explosive burst damage, high mobility, and the ability to sustain pressure through their pets has left little room for counterplay.

What’s worse, it seems that no matter how hard you try, it feels like you’re being constantly outpaced, whether it’s the relentless damage from their pets or the ability to keep you rooted or slowed at every turn. Many players have expressed frustration with how the spec completely eclipses other classes, leaving them unable to compete in a meaningful way.

Frost Mages: The Freezing Grasp of Death

Then, we have Frost Mages. With their unparalleled control over the battlefield, Frost Mages have been an absolute menace in PvP for a while now. The sheer amount of crowd control and instant-cast abilities they wield has pushed other classes into a corner. Coupled with their ability to burst enemies down with little to no counterplay, Frost Mages have become nearly unstoppable in the hands of skilled players.

The freeze-locking mechanics, combined with their strong defensive abilities, make them a terror in both solo and group content. While other classes rely on cooldowns and skillful positioning to survive, Frost Mages simply have too many tools to prevent this from happening. Their ability to quickly lock down opponents and follow up with devastating spells makes them one of the most frustrating specs to face.

Blizzard, It’s Time to Address This

As much as players love World of Warcraft, the reality is that PvP is slowly dying. The frustration that comes from facing overpowered Beast Mastery Hunters and Frost Mages has driven many away from arenas and battlegrounds. When PvP becomes more about surviving these unbalanced classes than outplaying your opponent, it undermines the entire experience.

Blizzard needs to act fast before the community walks away for good. PvP should be about strategy, skill, and balance—something that is sorely lacking right now. It’s time for Blizzard to step up and make meaningful changes. Nerfs, tweaks, and adjustments to these specs are essential to bring back the excitement and challenge that PvP should offer.

A Plea to the Community

If we want to see PvP thrive again, we need to make our voices heard. Whether through feedback forums or social media, we need to show Blizzard that this imbalance is no longer acceptable. World of Warcraft has always been about the community, and it’s up to us to help keep it alive.

Let’s hope that Blizzard listens and takes action before PvP in World of Warcraft becomes a thing of the past.

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You forgot to also include your disgustingly broken 3 button spec.


Are you serious?

I doubt that’s the problem with pvp but the sheer list of spell effects emerging from primary skills. 1 skill can trigger 1-4 skills for example.

Friends told me to try Diablo and btw hello Diablo game team of World of Warcraft. I don’t think that the game needs this ARPG playstyle fitted into it. No, It doesn’t.

Who wanted this?

The hard part of fury is to not miss a global cause of low gcd. Also the rotation is 5 buttons actually. Bloodthirst, raging blow, rampage, onslaught and execute procs. Whirlwind generally and thunder clap for mountain thane are added for aoe. Last but not least, the highest source of dmg of all warrior is hamstring.

anyone thats a vanilla player will remember that most people geared up JUST to gank or PvP

so yes. PvP at its core is the heart of WoW
PvE was just a means to get gear.

some people will disagree, and that’s fine. but its a fact in stone.

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It’s just AI generated slop, shouldn’t pay too much attention to the wording.


I don’t want too play caster because BM and Furry

And i don’t want too play meele because frostmage exist

I also don’t want too heal a meele getting perma frosted or a caster getting zug zug by furry & BM

This season is probeply the worst so far and i have played the corruption patch and sl

go and play mage when you face that many BMs, I bet you will change ur mind. Btw no warrior should complain about anything rn


I hate you break it to you, you are just as broke as bm! Fury/bm = the same rn. Top two represented specs on both eu/na for shuff and 3’s! Brutal.

it actually never has been the heart and soul but okay.

who noticed? I didnt.

:joy: okay buddy

Is replacing broken keyboards.



Sure but the difference between a good and bad fury is to press your globals on perfect time nor pressing early neither late your buttons cause it’s a damage loss. Anyways…

Nerf the BM hunters to oblivion but ban the queue for prot specs in soloque.

Let us not pretend that Fury has anywhere near the skill floor of specs like Feral, Outlaw, Surv, Enh sham or any caster for that matter.

It is probably the easiest spec to play in the game.

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Honestly, does it matter if someone plays an easy spec ? Every class is available to all players. We choose to play whatever we want bearing the consequences. I chose to play arms in this meta ,even is not so strong spec . Btw the specs you mentioned are superior to warrior’s capabilities. Much better defensives more CC , stealth .

I never said it did, I’m just saying there’s nothing really hard about playing Fury, mechanically at least. While you’re trying to make the 5 button builder-spender rotation seem much more complex than it is.

They’re also much harder to get good results with, have a much harder rotation and 50% more binds.

Perfect. It would be wise to support your arguments with some statistics and some theory. Cause everything u say it sounds like a tantrum.

Atleast there you werent sweathealing agaisnt them with 300 buttons per second cuase the tentacle 100 - 0 you so it was ggs anyways xD

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Bro if you don’t believe what I’m saying I don’t really care, Fury isn’t hard to play and that’s what’s up.