Tyrande wasn't presented in the siege of Orgrimmar

Tyrande was the only one to kill some Horde, this war, though.

Rest of the Alliance was chased out of Lordaeron and Zuldazar, before witnessing Saurfang, then marching home.


Tyrande dared stand against Anduin and his Peacemongering (a force that rivals Sylvanas Warmongering). And those that do so…do not stand long.

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I want to point out though that night elven soldiers and Shandris do appear during the inital quests you have to do before the siege.

I expect that Tyrande and the ‘Army of the Black Moon’ might become an antagonist sooner or later, because now they are the last warmongering force within Horde and Alliance.

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I really want to see Tyrande in a cinematic. I feel this whole thing with Sylvanas is where Tyrande really should be the main protagonist…


yeah considering how much Shandris has gotten time in game now, I would not be supriced if she become the new night elf leader soon, and Tyrande goes mental, or gives up her position, becuse she is more focused on hunting down sylvanas and Nathanos now.
Malfurion probably follows her, becuse he is so deep down in love whit her.

Yeah, except when Tyrande (and Malfurion?) was standing in line with the other alliance leader like a well-behaved girl when auntie Jaina gifted the 10 minutes insta ship to the Virgin-Anduin.

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But do you know what? I think it’s even good that she wasn’t there. Imagine how ridiculous it would be, Tyrande, supporting Anduin and Saurfang which are holding hands with each other with peace.


Just like that Paladin mention, all the Alliance was looking pretty stupid.
Alliance gather army, and came to finally stop the Horde. To execute all those Horde leaders who commit the War Crimes.

Near the doors of Orgrimmar Alliance have just watched an ordinary PVP duel, and left back home.
That it. Armies going back without a revenge.


Is it me, is it me?

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Oh this wasn’t an Alliance story. It was a Horde reformation story, with Anduin being the cheerleader.

Don’t kid yourselves, Alliance fans. Anduin has never been your hero.

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There are still more. Who was the whisperer why Sylvanas wanted a total war between Aliance and Horde where she is gone?
Tyrande-Night warrior don’t feet to a reconciliation theme.
I think we will see more from her when Night Warrior is really needed.

So yeah Nelfies ask yourself, if you wanted Tyranda to be part of it, or you rather wait a bit longer to get hopefully better plot? :wink:

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To be honest, since nothing happened in Orgrimmar, you only missed the opportunity to see Tyrande kneel at Saurfang’s funeral…

The Alliance characters did not kneel in the cinematic.

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Thank god for small mercies.

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Saurfang was like Teldrassil is free!

hahahaha, I was cheering when that old mongrel died to the death beam of doom !

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Yes, it was nice how he he yelled “for Azer…” and got killed by a surprising beam. I’m just sad that they ruined his character so hard with BfA that it seems that nobody cares about his death…


I think the reason people feel so numb about it is because a majority of us expected something really dumb to happen.

I don’t really know how to feel tbh. I’m glad Sylvanas is “gone” for now, and that the whole faction war is over, but at the same time it sucks to see other players who had high hopes for her become utterly disappointed. That type of disappointment doesn’t really feel good for anyone.

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Maybe Tyrande will be the new Garrosh:P

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