Bellular: The REAL Story of 8.2.5: Tyrande IS COMING FOR YOU - Blizzard’s NEW Warcraft Plot

Why should someone else pay for Sylvanas’ doing?

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That I’m afraid it has already been accomplished by Sylvanas.
She did a stellar job at that, I might add.

From a Good war:
“I believe the exiles of Gilneas will never forgive the Horde for driving them away. I believe the living humans of Lordaeron think it is blasphemy that my people still hold their city. I believe the ancient divide between our allies in Silvermoon and their kin in Darnassus is not easily mended.” There was a smile on Sylvanas’s face. It was not a pleasant one. “I believe the Darkspear tribe hasn’t forgotten who drove them from their islands,” she continued. “I believe every orc your age remembers being imprisoned for years in filthy camps, wallowing in despair and surviving on human scraps. I believe every human remembers the tales of the terrible Horde that caused so much destruction in its first invasion, and I believe they blame every orc for that, no matter what your people have done to redeem yourselves. And I remember very well that I and my first Forsaken were once loyal Alliance citizens. We died for that banner, and our reward was to be hunted as vermin. I believe that there will be no permanent peace with the Alliance—not unless we win it on the battlefield on our terms. And believing that, answer this, Saurfang: what use is delaying the inevitable?”By the spirits, she is cold."

I will add:

  • I believe the Night Elves will never forgive the Horde for burning Teldrassil, with civilians, inside.
  • I believe the Forsaken will not forget Undercity.
  • I believe the Zandalari will never forgive the Alliance, for raiding their city and killing Rastakhan.
  • I believe the Kul-Tyras will never forget Daelin Proudmoore and the Horde that shown recently, they are no better than the savages they always were.

Saurfang to Anduin:
“We could not fill the chasm between the Horde and the Alliance not even if we laboured for a 1000 years!”

There you go.
Eternal war untill this universe be dammed.



Well will see how Anduins as a king.
Will he start a war against Alliance members, who just wants to retake their own territories?

But what did happened there? Civilians were evacuated, and Sylvanas blow up a city. Alliance did not manage to do anything as a pay back.
For what forsakents should hate Alliance? For green fell that Forsaken created and spread there?

She won’t be a villain. Even Blizzard aren’t that stupid.


Usually in war people don’t tell the difference between who’s right and who is wrong.

Especially civilians.
What a Forsaken civilian will probably see in my opinion, is that the Horde was at war with the Alliance and they got homeless.
As for what happened to their city they will interpretate that their Queen had to blow out the city to stop the Alliance.

In example we can see in Jaina’s nightmare that her father didn’t care for what she had to say.

Thrall Horde had recently finished a campaign with her and Malfurion and Tyrande on Mount Hyjal.
They established themselves outside Eastern Kingdom continent.
Still that didn’t stop him.

It’s a cicle of hate.
Someone kills someone, than his family member go and kill that person, than the other person family member goes and takes revenge as well and so on.


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I’ll quote myself:

But we know that the boy-king serves at the masters table.

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then it turned out the boy king was the player all along :wink: and the 3 lies was what we told anduin … .shocking twist

Probably the sanest person in the Alliance.


Yes, but not in Tyranda’s case. Because she is fighting currently for her own lands.
Night Elves holding only a small territory on Darshores. They are all surrounded by enemies. They are trying to retake their Home!
Maybe they will manage to retake Darkshores, but there is still Ashenvale to go.

It’s not a circle of hate, it’s a war for Homeland!

And Alliance should kill Anduin instead, because he did not insist on Horde leaving Night Elves lands. He just left Alliance member to whatever end, fighting for their home all along.

If we will hear that Night Elves did manage to kick Horde out of Darkshores and Ashenvale, that they also execute all trolls in trolls village including children. And now they are attacking Ashara with a plan to destroy goblins city,

  • THEN and ONLY then, we should start to talk about Circle of Hate, and vengeance psychos.

Yes! And destroying each others Airships so only one faction can do the final bosses!!! Or did you forget the airship Alliance Vs Horde Encounter above Icecrown Citadel?? Spoiler alert!!! The Alliance won that on Chronicle 3

So as you can see, faction conflict was at the center of even “The best expansion” according to your opinion.

And faction conflict is very consistent with any plot in WoW really


Have you played WotLK? Both sides?
I remember that Alliance went to Northrend to finish the threat of Scourge. And I don’t remember Alliance to have any quest to attack horde except the PVP zone in Grizzly Hills.
I remember too that Horde had Garrosh who wanted to attack Valiance keep, and I remember that Horde attacked Alliance when Alliance prepared to engage Scourge.

So, no, faction conflict was not the center of WoTLK. Only Horde backstabbing.


It is not a circle of hate. Since beginning of WoW we had Horde aggression and Alliance retaliation.
At the end of MoP, Alliance tried to end the so called “circle of hate”, by not asking for any reparations and letting Horde to keep almost every territory they invaded during Cataclysm.

So all mess we are in now is because of Horde need of “Lebensraum”.


nah bizzards wow story team is that stupid.

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But what do you even characterize as a villain when it comes to Tyrande?

I mean, her motivation for going against The Horde is that they burned down Teldrassil and killed a lot of innocent Night Elves.
And she is blessed by her own Goddess in her quest.

She is basically a templar knight if God was real. She has a divine mandate behind her actions.

She can definitely becomes zealous and fanatical in her pursuit for vengeance and retribution – and I wouldn’t mind if Blizzard spun the story in that direction – but if the cause is ultimately righteous, then it hardly makes her a villain. That’s simplifying a character motivation that’s a bit more complex than just good or evil.


Well, they actually listened Daelin as shadow of the alliance even if the future showed that he did nothing wrong.

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The Horde had pretty similar motivates for certain races. And still, they were chastised for it, and forced to handwave said grudges.

Admittedly, some of them weren’t as serious as the Night elf one (Zuldazar coming close), but still, for the people involved, some certainly were quite the tragedy. And they were tagged as “irrational villains” nevertheless (i.e. Hathorel).

At this point i personally just want the expansion to end, but the “consumed by vengeance” bit, bodes ill for Tyrande.

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Yes, and that’s what makes it good story. It’s nuanced. I think that’s what Blizzard does exceptionally well. This angle of: “If you view it from this perspective, then the character appears evil. But if you view it from this other perspective, then you may be in sympathy with the character instead.”

And like in real-life, then Warcraft has a way of letting the winners write the history. Had Garrosh won against the uprising, then he would have gone down as the greatest Warchief ever and The Horde would be a conquering war machine today. But he was beaten, so he gets perceived as the villain…by those who beat him. That’s how it goes.
To the victor goes the spoils, right?

I don’t think that having characters act stupid makes up a good story.

In order for this peace to work, Horde characters had to suck it up in terms of how they would’ve naturally reacted.

Forcing someone to go with a “Fine, he is awesome” in regards to the one that hypothetically killed his entire family, isn’t nuanced.

Its some forced crap that reeks of a writer wanting hostilities to come to a sudden halt and doesn’t know how to do so without forcing his or her hand into the plot.

And yeah, same will probably happen with Night elves.


Tyrande? Like I said, I don’t think she acts stupid.

Who talked about Tyrande specifically here?

I argued against this:

If Tyrande ends up doing the above, yes, she will be written as acting stupid. Much like the Horde was.

And that goes back to the other comment that said that Blizzard wouldn’t be as stupid as to force said behaviour on anybody.
Well…they certainly did with the Horde.

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