Tyrande's Darkening (8.1 spoilers)

The Ebon Blade says no. The Forsaken do not deserve such a hallowed place.


Man, you are giving my argument waaaaaay more charge than it initially had.

I just wondered if this sort of scenario, had the situation been reversed, would’ve been welcomed in such way by certain players.

Because I get the feeling, call it paranoia or whatever, that had Sylvanas been the one taking this sort of actions, the reactions wouldn’t have been about “awesomeness” and “kickassery”, but as just some further step down the villain road that she would have to eventually pay for. Something that seems to be unthinkable for Tyrande.

For the record, and because I know that looking for stuff in these new forums is a living hell, I’ll clarify that it wasn’t me the one that started giving that head any relevance at all. Might as well had mentioned how suddenly her hair became braided.

That’s probably because Tyrande doesn’t have several genocides in her track record.


Omfg read my previous post already, please!

Remember kids, Aunt Halasibel’s opinions are objective truth. Just saying.


If Sylvanas did this, and started using some Void energy to wipe Alliance, out of vengeance for
let’s say Zuldazar, do you think people would be as understanding?
Honest question.

Answered you bellow
I type as fast as I can.

No, but if Talanji did, we would be more understanding, yes.


No, they wouldn’t because:


Yup. It’s about the deeds of a character, about the background. Talanji doing that would be MUCH different than Sylvanas.


Tell that to the Shatterspear.

And how would their past make any difference at all? How does it influence current actions?

Is it solely based on some past grudge that makes player less lenient regarding someone’s actions?

I’ll make you a deal.

Have Baine committ such an act, because a bunch of innocent Tauren get killed and I promise you, Alliance players will support him.


let’s just say we all have prejudices against Sylvanas. Because, well
 Look what she have done already!

I rather it was his head the one they threw into whatever metaphorical pool said scenario had.

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You mean the tribe the evil Alliance let alone until they sided with the Horde during a faction conflict? Also, the tribe which got its vengeance with Teldrassil?

Because people are less lenient to psychopaths and murderers? Sylvanas commits genocide every faction war.


Personally I dislike Sylvanas for what she did to: remnants of Lordearonian forces under Garithos, remnants of Lordearonian civillians e.g. in Hilsbrad, Southshore, Gilneas, Wrathgate, Andorhal.

If a character who committ atrocities left and right does another vile thing - that annoys me. If Baine would do that, I’d cheer for him before being obliterated by his Void-infused wrath.

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Not quick enough! I am in the office, gotta type faster!

 You have red background. RED GO FASTAH!

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The tribe that given Blizzard devs word, was completely destroyed in cataclysm.

And that apparently, had some of their remnants picked by Saurfang to flank the Horde army that marched north.

Fail to see how past actions define someone’s present, when judging isolated or punctual acts treated in a vacuum.
Is it because people fear what would Sylvanas do with said power if given the chance? Or simply because “I hate her for what she did and she can’t have nice stuff”?

I mean, the declared intent Tyrande has after the ritual, points at something akin to genocide. How does that make her any different from a situation where Sylvanas is forced to do the same under similar circumstances?

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I believe it’s the last one.

I might be misunderstanding you
 But past actions defining someone’s present is called, in WoW’s case, a story :stuck_out_tongue:


Doesnt this remember you of someone? It quite sounds like Sylvanas when she became undead. They are just copypasting it a bit.

What Zarao means I think is the phenomenum that if Sylvanas did the same thing in the same scenario instead of that character that was glorified for it, she would be booed at
 because its Sylvanas.

The hate on her character is so intense that people dont even look at facts anymore and just hate for hate sakes. Tahts what he is implying (or so I understand).

Its the same with blizzard. Whatever good they do, there will be always flame for the hates sake.

Lets just switch the scenario. Alliance attacks first undercity because buhu undead and horde retributes with Teldrasil.
The reaction would be the same except for “but the alliance started it”
 the rest would just be the same “Sylvanas is evil! She uses plague!” “But muh honor!” “forsaken nightelves how could you”.
Whereever there is Sylvanas in a scene and even if she is helping grandmas over the street or rescuing a schoolbus full of puppies, people would still give her poop for not being sooner there or that cause of her the bus came late 20 min
 Ever saw Megamind? Whatever she does she is evil.
People need someone to hate and if Sylvanas wasnt alive cause of spike in wrath, they would have switched to the next lead female that does a bit controversial things
 like Jaina

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DId we find the right dev?

The death of their chieftain was the final chapter in Shatterspear tribal history. As their former leader fell to the might of the Alliance heroes, the remaining trolls disbanded the tribe. This is the dev quote.

Where is this complete destruction? Further more, wowpedia states:

the Shatterspear have fully reclaimed all of their territories, having a massive presence in both the Shatterspear Vale and the War Camp though no longer in the Ruins of Mathystra.

That some massive presence after a genocide. And in ten short years only? Maybe less?

So, you are failing to see how people’s past actions might influence one’s present opinion on them?.. Ok.

Araphant here, by the way, cba to switch for likes.