Woah, that was amazingly immature of you. Do you feel like getting that personal every time you meet someone that isn’t agreeing with you?
I mean, you did really start lashing out at The terminology used?..
I’m not expecting an ingame character to tell you the truth, I’m expecting that you, as a player, are able to decipher it with the information the game gives you.
Meta knowledge of you wish to call it.
You want me to speak plainly? I’ll try:
I think you wouldn’t like Sylvanas doing this because you are biased against her character. Not because you consider the actions that would be made as inherently evil.
I think you are trying to rationalise your hatred towards her character hypothetically doing this by calling on some past unrelated action. And trying to tie them with these events by implying that any action Sylvanas does would be considered evil or reprehensible, because you can’t fathom any scenario where any of her actions doesn’t have a negative innuendo or side effect (or whatever you want to call it).
And I think that’s blinding you to the fact that maybe if Sylvanas did stuff like Tyrande did in her scenario, you would argue against it regardless of her motives simply because you don’t like her character. And no amount of meta clarification would dissuade you from it.
In short, you would argue against Sylvanas doing this because you don’t like her character.
And I’m afraid that has to do with some bias and double standard.
For the record, I don’t feel like Tyrande is being evil for doing this. Even if from my preferred game point of view, it’s being marketed that way.
But again that’s my point of view. I asked because I wanted clarification about it.
Edit:…and instead of giving it, you lashed out at me personally.