Tyrande's Darkening (8.1 spoilers)

And these are? Since I did not even play this yet? Give me a hypothetical scenario or your opinion.

I can’t trust you right now. People who like Baine are marked with red flags before my eyes :frowning:

I’ll expand on this later, but that’s why I asked if given complete context and meta knowledge regarding her motives, the opinions would remain the same or not.


Sorry, old habits die hard.

I am totally trustworthy! I even like Kael’thas!

I think that wasn’t really understood
 because it is hard to try to connect that to the character. You can’t just set the motivations for one action independent from the rest.

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You are contradicting yourself . Baine and strong indipendent dont fit
 but I like his body cough I am not weird

I love speculating. I am SpecuPanda

Broken shore, when you give her the pendant, in the comic 3 sisters, during wrath when you go after Arthas, When she helps the bloodelf coming into the horde, when she comes back to save the forsaken from the suicide the warchief is planing (was in one book of cataclysm
 dont remember the name) to name a few

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She is presented as evil from my point of view! This is so subjective that it almost hurts, like any other opinion. And I was referring to most recent depictions of her, during BfA. But I didn’t specify that before.

Did you see my referencing of Nomi? I did it just for you.

What? In the comic 3 sisters where she arranged to have Alleria and Vereesa murdered? When she helps the blood elves only to use the leverage in Wrath to force them to go to war?

When she ditches her people only coming back because hell is unpleasant? To quote “I care naught for them!”

But did she? She couldnt. She planed it. But she couldnt.
Did you read the comic with Nathanos and what the dark ranger said in the end? That giving him this new body has logically not that much benefit?
Its clear that has much as she wont admit it, she still has feelings.

What other option did they have? Die of starvation due to manahunger? rot and being forgotten. Thanks to the horde they have again strenght you cant deny that. And without Silvie no belfs in horde.

What was the other option? The forsaken race being obliterated. And if you quote than start quoting before the storm where it is written that she cares for them. She wanted salvation for them with the Valkyr.

Its not all black and white as much as you wish it. May I say its grey :trollface:


No one is arguing about her feelings.

So, Sylvanas also reignited the Sunwell? We didn’t need M’uru?

I see at the end of her leader story that her people are a bulwark against the infinite, the way to preserve her from dying. That’s what I am seeing when she babbles about caring and salvation.

I also saw her dropping a crapload of her own people with arrows ON SUSPICION of betrayal.

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Yet another justified action against the Horde that didn’t stick. Sunreavers were imprisoned for abusing the Kirin Tor’s neutrality to help a Horde agent murder Alliance soldiers and steal an artefact from one of their capital cities. Those who resisted were killed. Brutal, to be sure, but what should Jaina have done in this situation? Just let the Horde get away with it? I mean, they ended up getting away with it anyway since the prisoners were all freed from Kirin Tor custody, but that’s beside the point.

ITT: someone drawing a comparison between Helya and Elune.

That’s the problem, isn’t it? The Night Elves attacked the Orcs, sure - but the Orcs were cutting down trees in a forest they had no right to enter in the first place. So, who shot first?

The story is naturally more complicated and I would write books if I started writing everything. What I mean is, she had part in it. It wasnt evil intent.

In the end if she wants to stay alive she needs her people alive. That was in cata. But in legion there is a change in her character. She cares. Only to switch again 180 degrees the next xpac cause of reasons

That because the writer cant decide between borgqueen and hard shell but soft somewhere. They switch between the two to often. And in this addon its absurdly often. During that event she was being so hyper pragmatic only for the next time to be hard shell but soft (the comic)
 I dont know if they do it on purpose, or because different writers or because they dont care anymore

Let just agree that the writers have no clue what to do with her since Cataclysm and call it a day.

Would it really be that hard to imagine that given the need, Sylvanas could eventually try to meddle with some dark energy, motivated to do so because just as Tyrande she wants to: kill her enemies, take back her lands, and make them pay for the wrongings against her people?

Vengeance for the fallen, killing her people’s enemies, and taking back her land. Nothing more and nothing less.

Not talking about the general situation. I’m talking about the actions that took place within it.
Things that included torturing, killing and stealing from civilians.

Not torture civilians for it?

Why is that weird?

I don’t know. If you take some apples from my tree and I axe you in the face who shot first?

Didn’t she kidnapped his cousin and sacrificed him for that?


I agree with that and add to it that there are more character having the same fate. So many with potential just awasted to doing nothing or over the top
 its sad

A cousin that came out of nowhere, was conviently near to be captured, had a past with Nathanos and a ritual that was before not mention

Lets face it, it was just the Nathanos anime regret arc 
 and will be followed by anime redeption arc

I find it hard to imagine such a thing from a person which is invading other people’s lands and destroying them beyond recognition.

Gilneas and Teldrassil are only a part of it, without even naming the crimes she committed there.

If she had to defend her own lands from unprovoked aggressors, I wouldn’t say a thing, but such is not the case.


I wanted to stay out of this but I can’t take the “Sylvanas cares about her people” part without saying anything.

She just manipulates her people and the Horde for her own selfish goals, this has and always will be the case with Sylvanas because that is what she is. I have no idea where this “change of character” came in during Legion about Sylvanas caring about anyone.

She doesn’t care about anyone under her beyond Nathanos and her Val’kyr, you are either naive or in denial to think otherwise and are just buying into this for whatever reason.


Her sisters
 and to some degree the horde
 Some orc general just would have let them die for “muh honor” and she refused to do it. And in Bts there is a passage that let her say that she wanted to save her people but someone destroyed that option
 its not denial or naive
 its called letters in black written on blank paper by an author from official sources
 but lets still call it denial so you feel better

You even used the wrong word. It’s called vengeance. But I doesn’t think that she will be even able to get her retribution because the damage of the horde is just
 unbelievable. I understand that and support that but it have nothing to do with Sylvanas.

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