Tyrande's Darkening (8.1 spoilers)

I wouldn’t say that they hate them. They have still the most story and coolest racials in the whole WoW.

No, because we already have Sylvanas for that. Sacrifice pending.


Maybe in the future, I would not completely rule it out, why?

It may well be that the night warrior is a one-way ticket with no return option and you think so much of your revenge that you can not get down from the trip. Is it possible? Yes, is it likely? I do not think, the N11 Com did too much to feather and would probably mobilize so much that Blizz could expect serious losses.

Yup. Tyrande is Alliance after all, while Sylvanas is Horde.

Oh really? After these past months I thought that the consensus was about how much Blizzard liked to punish and hit poor night elves.
How they would never have stories to compensate initial drawbacks, and how abandoned their story was.

I mean, could you imagine the outrage if Sylvanas had hurled a severed Night elf head at some Forsaken ritual?


The circumstances are completely different. Of the night elves even many non-night-elf players wanted to see more, in the sense of retribution / revenge, there were many threads in the first presentation of 8.1. Now you have it ready and now you complain, that sounds a bit idiotic to me.

It just seems that Blizz think they got much compared to the other races that they want
to compensate it by sacrifice the NE for their Story. I mean look at Cata, look at MoP, look at Val’sharah, look at WoT. No race got so much attention and so many bad stories (bad for the NE) at the same time.


How are you even comparing Tyrande and Sylvanas?

Tyrande is reclaiming her lands by doing what is necessary for her people’s survival. After they were hit with literal genocide. My point is, she has a reason for doing what she’s doing currently. Whereas Sylvanas barely has any real reason, and any reason is usually silly, petty or based on paranoia.

Sylvanas is just a sadistic psychotic b*tch who wants death to engulf Azeroth.

Don’t draw parallels between them.



I’m not comparing Sylvanas and Tyrande. I wasn’t the one that brought up said comparison.

But, I do wonder what difference is there regarding dark stuff made by certain Horde leaders and how they were demonised for it, in juxtaposition to stuff like this.

I do wonder what outrage we would’ve had if Sylvanas had been the one tossing severed Alliance heads around.


I’m not sure where this comes from, this idea that the Horde are hard done by in terms of losing major characters. The Alliance were the first faction to lose a racial leader in canon, and the first to have one become a raid boss. In terms of raw numbers the honours are even in the “dead racial leaders” category, unless we include Varimathras, a.k.a the Dreadlord everyone conveniently forgets about because having demons as racial leaders is something only villains do.

Also why would the Horde want Tyrande to die as a lesson to everyone about using dark powers for revenge? I thought Horde players wanted a more morally grey Alliance so they could stop being the villains all the time? Or maybe they just thought they did, until it produced an Alliance leader capable of actually defeating the Horde on their own terms, at which point it’s all “oooh she used dark powers kill her off pls blizz!”

EDIT: “Beheaded Orc!” to become the new “Taurajo!”?


What have Tyrande done with her new power that you say something like this?

Not really.

But it’s interesting how usually stuff like this seems to have some contractual obligation to backfire when done by Horde characters, but I can’t help but feel this won’t for the Alliance.

Don’t get it wrong, I’m sure everyone would love both sides going dark and brutal. But I doubt many would find the disparity regarding the consequences of it appealing.
So far, if some Horde character does this, he is evil and should be punished for it eventually. If an Alliance character does it, it’s cool, edgy, and awesome.

I wouldn’t really mind both doing similar stuff. But I don’t feel like tagging along such disparate outcomes for it.

Oh really? How many old RTS characters has the Horde left? How many does the Alliance?
In raw numbers, how many racial leaders does the Horde have atm? How many Alliance?

Nah, it’s to become a kind of a Get out of Jail card for whatever Sylvanas does with Derek.


This thread is so amazing I had to relog on my alt in order to be able to keep distributing likes.


Turande and Selvinas are people, not abstract concepts used to define certain groups of people (sorry Northgrave, I mean - elves, not people).

Also, hail Greymane.


Not much really. I just wonder how would’ve people reacted if it had been an Horde leader the one doing this.

People still seem all riled up for what happened with Helya.

Wasn’t it justified?

Criticising the fact that some faction leader meddled with some dark energy/entity to, quoting her words, save her people from dying?
How said deal should conveniently backfire on said faction leader? How there should be some karmic force at play that cautioned against stuff like that?

I mean, it’s not really about being justified or not. But I don’t know if you catch some parallels.

  1. What leader.
  2. Whose head.

If Baine does it - I’m cool. If Saurfang does it - I am cool. Hell, I could accept that even if Nathanos did it. Misguided poor chap.

But if it is a head of a Dwarf, a Worgen or a Draenei I am throwing a hissy fit.

If she wanted really do it. It isn’t the best option to start a faction war isn’t it?


Let’s go with the obvious parallel: Nathanos kills a sentinel and uses her body as some tool in the war against the Alliance.

Not quite a fitting parallel since the Horde started it all :wink:

If Night Elves rampaged through Barrens and Durotar, burned Orgrimmar, then I probably would be fine with Nathanos using Sentinel’s body for a dark ritual.

So, nah. It’s not an obvious parallel. I find it difficult to feel for the aggressor.


Whats with bringing up the faction war now? I was talking about a very specific set of actions that were already frowned upon and judged in a vacuum. Before anyone knew there would be some war come next expansion.

Compare that with what we are currently having: How did people react last time a leader made a deal/meddled with a dark entity/energy, having as motive the intention to save her people?