Tyrande's Darkening (8.1 spoilers)

… Umbric?

He’s an awesome fellow!

Oh, and he is a HE :wink: I know it’s confusing with elves though, but watch out, you might hurt someone’s feelings :slight_smile:

Whats with arrows in her quiver? They’re just her tool to climb her own destiny.

A recurrent Windrunner catchphrase. Alleria has a similar one. What with it?

So, any and all actions are excused depending on who you feel started the trouble? If, let’s say, orcs felt like Night elves started killing them, that would give them a free pass to do whatever they wanted and have people be more lenient with them for it?

But it was the opposite. And the NE doesn’t got their revenge since cata.

Btw. me favorite reddit post of the weak: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/a4915i/sylvanas_welcomes_the_new_horde_leaders/?utm_source=reddit-android


Yeah, like how Sylvanas gassed herself at the Wrathgate, tripped over a buried Hillsbrad farmer’s head and tumbled into a burning Teldrassil. Contractual backfire, away!

Who’s to say there’d be a disparity? The Alliance have never been allowed to do anything brutal or dark, let alone get away with it. Given everything we know about 8.1 it’s quite clear this isn’t about to change.

Tyrande might be tossing severed heads around and wearing a new battle-gown, but there’s nothing we’ve seen about 8.1 thus far to suggest she’s doing anything with her new powers other than fighting a war - a war she didn’t start, let’s not forget, against people who invaded her homeland and burned its capital to the ground for the lulz.

RTS-wise, where are we starting? Are we counting all of the games, including the ones where Horde and their associated races are villains, or are we only counting some arbitrary portions of the RTS games portraying the Horde sympathetically and containing characters you personally would’ve liked to see in WoW? How do we categorise who’s Alliance and who’s Horde? Is Illidan an Alliance character? Is Cho’gall Horde?

I’ll count the faction leaders if you can name the first faction leader to die canonically in WoW, and the first faction leader to become a raid boss.

… so the new “Taurajo!”. Sylvanas raised this poor clown into undeath then tortured him to make him kill his family! “Yeah well Tyrande beheaded this one Orc in a fight this one time which is EXACTLY as naughty!”


It was an hypothetical scenario. I mean, it’s not as if we had some old rts game that had Night elves shooting first against orcs or how the retaliation that ensued was something frowned upon, sheesh.

The Orcs were cutting down Night Elf trees - what do you want people to do? The Orcs have killed people for far less.

Besides, Cairne knew the Night Elves were there. Either the old bull said nothing and let the Orcs go to their deaths, or he did say something and Grom ignored him.

EDIT: And yet again, that encounter ended up in a Horde victory. With a slain demi-god, no less.

That’s twisting what I said.

The Horde committed genocide against Night Elves unprovoked. This whole war happens because there exists a technical possibility that there might be a war in the future so Sylvanas starts the war in order to prevent future wars. This is her reasoning.

And all of a sudden Tyrande is so evil because she killed an orc and threw his head into a moonwell? And all those burned alive at Teldrassil no longer matter because Tyrande killed an orc?

Is this really going to be the next Taurajo?

If it was the opposite, Night Elves attacking the Horde unprovoked, genociding their people, burning Orgrimmar, then I would probably be fine with Nathanos killing a Sentinel - to answer your question.


But this poor orc :cry:

Beheaded Orc > all


And obviously all those events haven’t been referenced as something she should be held accountable for. At all.

Dalaran Purge?..oh my god I said it…

So? Sylvanas goals with Helya were about saving her people from dying. And still were actions considered as “Evul”, simply because of the nature of the energies/entity she meddled with.

I don’t care one bit about the consequences, if there are any, regarding punctual acts of necessary moral greyness.
I do find interesting the different treatment/outcome said acts produce depending apparently on the colour of the characters background.

More like the new “Stormsong soldier stitched together with a few others to create this abomination”.

And you are giving that detail waaaaaaaay more relevance than I’m giving it. I mentioned it succinctly.
Don’t know why are you making it seem as if I’m emphasising on it.

Don’t know. I just wondered out loud if arguing about who shot first is really that relevant regarding how someone treats their enemies.

I never said any of that. Like, zero.

I do wonder if someone going down this kind of dark path, with details such as the severed orc head to give some extra flavour (don’t focus on it, it’s just the cherry of this whole plot), would have a happy ending if it were the Horde doing it.

I mean, people went nuts when Blizzard unveiled Sylvanas wielding Xalatath. And raged a lot about her making deals with Helya before that.

I don’t know why all of a sudden you guys seem to focus on me apparently emphasising on the orc head.

This was my one and only reference to it.

The rest was more about the general tone of the whole thing.
Focusing on a single aspect and making it seem as if I gave it more importance than i really gave it, while consciously drawing some caricature parallel with some unrelated event, strikes plenty close to some strawman.

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Still arrows in her quiver. Stop avoid the fact.

As I already said, Alleria has a similar quote. Why is that any more relevant now than 10 minutes ago?
We have internal monologues that point at Sylvanas truly caring about the Forsaken survival and using said motive as driving point for her actions in Stormheim.

Have you read Before the Storm?

No I don’t. But in edge of the night you actually saw that Sylvanas doesn’t care about their people. He just used them after her raise to protect herself. YOU REALLY WANT TO SAY THAT SHE CARES ABOUT HER PEOPLE?! LMFAO


You’re using relativism to paint Tyrande as the bad guy. At least that’s what it feels to me. Sorry if I understood that incorrectly.

Nothing is set in stone and we don’t know if Tyrande is not about to go down a dark path :wink:

Add to that, that as for now - Night Elves are shown as vengeful and probably what they do (including all “darker” actions) will be presented to us as just because they are fighting back after suffering a horrible atrocity at the hand of the Horde.

With Blizzard’s current narrative - the Horde is evil (I hate it) so if it was a Horde leader doing that - they probably would not be getting away with it.

I didn’t. Nothing shocking :wink: Actually this might be really interesting given how, apparently, the Void is not on good terms with Undeath.

That’s because of what we perceived as relativism :wink:

If Sylvanas threw this head it would be just yet another vile act of a vile person. With Tyrande it’s different, because she spent years being utterly boring and inactive and all of a sudden, she starts acting and such an act feels just after what the Horde has done.

The same act is perceived differently based on what the person doing so represents at the moment. Sylvanas currently stands for war, injustice, suffering, death and hatred.

Tyrande stands for vengeance.

Thus, it’s a different feeling.

Going back to your initial concern - it would thus feel very different if a Horde leader did that.


And round we go again to that story. It’s funny how that’s the one and only piece of narrative people opt to hold on to, but seem more than willing to ignore the subsequent pieces that were real eased afterwards.

We have Sylvanas literally saying that she wants to save her people in Before the Storm.
And we have Alleria using similar similes and catchphrases regarding her troops. Your only hold regarding how Sylvanas apparently doesn’t care about the Forsaken is the terminology used.
Something she shares with her sister and even used while still alive.

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So do she actually raise humans to safe & care about her people? :wink:

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No I’m not. As I already said, I’m only wondering how valid the “shoot first” thing is, regarding the further treatment that comes due for someone’s enemy.

And that’s what I feel ironic. It’s a blatant case of double standard.
And I’m not sure that Blizzard is the one pushing it.
They made abundant emphasis on the fact that both sides should be on the lookout for evil or morally reprehensible acts.

There is no such thing as objective truth regarding those kind of stances. I may perceive that Tyrande is wrong for acting that way and using as instrument a soldier from a faction whose leader spared her husband and argued against Teldrassil.
How people perceive stuff depends greatly on the eye of the beholder.

From her point of view, she does.

But for us, the alliane, it’s something very bad. Afaik her soul is doomed if she dies her final death. So she raise people and doom their souls aswell?

Yeah, remind me why Tyrande had to become the Night Warrior again? Was it something akin to the Horde destroying an Alliance zone and seizing another, something the Alliance has never done. But I guess here is no bias because players got a cutscene, something the Horde also regularily receives Excellent argument.

Yeah, unlike the Horde who had to work hard to avoid repercussions from neutral nations after commiting genocide against the Night Elves. I mean sure, the Night Elves lost everything, but they still have plot armor.