Tyrande's Darkening (8.1 spoilers)

Did we not saw the spirit of uther a few times. Even in the paladin campaign to the ashbringer he sounds really good and not bad. How do you want to argue against that?

This is a fantastic comparison.

 Might even not report you!

Uther was not undead. A thing I never will understand why arthas didnt make an undead out of him. What we know is, that two major undead characters both ended in that torment world after they died. One had the chance to return. So as far as we know, every descended from the scourge, being it forsaken, real scourge or afterwards neutrals, can end there. Sylvanas doesnt want to go back there for sure. Thats why she changed her view from undead being a curse to undeath being the only stalwart towards that torment

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And now she doom the others? Alright alright I understand it now :wink:

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She raises people to protect herself from ever dying again. Its the same logic Arthas had. Make everything undead and there will be no more wars and fights between each other. With no war and fights but only undeads under her, there is no danger to die to an opposite faction -> eternal life = no torment

To do that you need force to fight of the danger. Atm the biggest threat to her eternal unlife is the alliance. So you go against that

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So you agree that she is just selfish?

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Her whole concept is being selfish
 everyone is selfish
 thats life.
To save herself, she has to save her people.

But what has it to do with what we were discussing?

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I don’t think so. In the past she have even sacrificed herself to protect her people. Now her spirit was changes by dark magic and she became evil. Even as she got her third chance she could just hide herself from the world with the other undead and don’t cause any damage. She does the opposite.


Or Cairne was occupied with something else and Grom just went for lumber with few people. You don’t inform other faction leader that you go chop some trees.

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Because hiding for all eternity is something you want? always on the run?
We all know that there will always be a living organisation bothering the undead for just being undead. And the forsaken are not just a handful of dudes that you can hide behind a bush. Why should she give up a kingdom? A Kingdom full of soldiers she can use as wall against danger?

And dont forget there are individuals out there that will hunt her like she hunted Arthas. So trying to run and hide isnt an option. The whole Stormheim scenario showed her that no matter what is happening, there are individuals that, even at risk of dooming the whole world, will try to kill her. Followed by that, its only logical to exterminate everyone that tries to exterminate her. It started with one man and it spreaded to a faction (she is not innocent in this). So she tries to exterminate one faction so they dont exterminate her

Okay. So I can just say now that Sylvanas is evil and selfish? I mean do I have won our little conversation now? Zarao where are ya?

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Noice! Tyrande is no longer lame!
While I prefer my Horde-heads attached to my mounts instead of in my swimming pools, I can definitively appreciate her style <3

Let’s hope she dies guns blazing, before she becomes lame again!


I believe that if Greymane hadn’t stopped her she would have alienated Odyn and doomed the world :wink:

There is an prestige mount with an head of every race of the horde, except sub-races, pandaren & BE.

Is it that, what this all is about? Winning a prize for the most obvious things? Sylvanas is selfish? Is there a prize for “azeroth is a titan” “the sky is blue” “Kel Thas doesnt drop his mount, ever” too?

On another side. Is “I want to stay alife” selfish? If yes
 we are all selfish

I wouldnt cry a tear for odyn
 he really deserved to be clubbed over and over again. I still think he wasnt reall important for legion. The same could have been done by
 f.e. Helya.

That’s what I say too to Zarao!

Yup that’s my favorite mount. I own the arena and the world quest version (I even grinded it for my alt, back in mop, when it wasn’t account shared).

Whoever designed that thing is amazing!

I know his lines by heart and still I accomplished nothing!

I cannot have the white chicken mount no matter how much I drown in my own nerd-drooling and my passion for that dungeon burns!


Nope, Greymane saved us. Valarjar were of the utmost importance. Don’t touch my crystal pristine opinions.

The only thing Greymane did, was destroying a future for the forsaken. Yeah, I know that he wanted revenge against Sylvie for his son. But he didnt only destroy Silvies chance of immortality but the whole forsaken as culture that day. Its the “you killed my dog, I destroy your whole nation” comparision.

And Odin: Odin is a selfish ********************************. He is the reason Helya became what she is now. The Valajar didnt do much in the end
 everyone could have done what they did. Even Helyas soldiers.


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The idea of the Night Warrior actually predates Tides of Vengeance by a good few RL years. Seems unimaginative, but is actually lore consistent.

https://wow.gamepedia.com/Necklace_with_Elune_Pendant#Description Cataclysm was one such mention and yes War of the Ancients too apparently.

We still aren’t going to bed you Northgrave, beit from an alive or undead elf, with that attitude! :stuck_out_tongue:

And I had forgotten those existed

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