Tyr's Deliverance

How does this refresh on someone ? Been trying to figure it out but I’m to thick

Cast a holy light on people with the buff, 2 will extend it close to full duration. I’m sure theres a lot more min-maxing than that but thats the short easy version.

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Amazing thanks for replying to me much appreciated

it only extends the duration on yourself, not on others. That is why it isnt as good a pick and many good players dont use it because the point is better in other things like 5% haste - 1% for each holy power spender.

It is great tho?

You can extend its 20 second duration easily to 1 minute. With that duration it will end up on a lot of players in raid or have high up time on all in m+.

Its not only a big part of your healing but it also buffs your healing on the targets with the buff.

as i said, it only extends on yourself. and for raid this would be even less value than for m+

read the tooltip and or test it… wtf

Do you even know how the spell works?

After the first 5 players it instantly applies/heals to, it then continues to apply/heal to a player every one second for the duration of the buff.

Sure it only extends on myself but that is a longer window for the buffs/heals to keep being applied to the raid.

The buff +15% to main heals:
On a recent magmorax kill i can see it applies 178 times from 2 casts over a 3.17 min fight (both buff windows the full 1 minute). Uptime on all members of the raid between 35% and 65% of the encounter. 10 to 22 applications to each player.

It is awesome in raids. It is awesome in m+.

Its a great heal and + 15% heal buff for main spells.

You read the tooltip/test it.

the talent for extension is still not worth. The ability on its own for sure, but not the extension on yourself. The one jumping is just overheal and another talent pick like 5% haste is just worth more

it applies to 5 persons, and only they get 15% extra heal of the spells while it is up on them and up to 12 seconds later.

It doesnt give u 15% more outgoing heal while u have the buff

edits: simplified for dumb dumbs


^ not my log, just the one i clicked on first.

Please check, it applies the buff to each ally it heals (not just the first 5 players).

I never said it buffed my outgoing heals (though i admit that i probably could have written that more clearly for dumb dumbs). It applies the buff to the ally you heal via tyrs.

I can understand that you believe its not great while you misunderstand it, hopefully its cleared up a bit now.

yeah but this is raid… check first raider-io hpal

Please keep going.

1/25 is less than 1/5

its cute that you think this way.

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