Uhdk nerf?

Player versus Player


  • Veteran of the Third War now increases Stamina by 6% in PvP combat (was 10%).
  • Null Magic now reduces the magical damage you take by 3% in PvP combat (was 4%).


  • Necrotic Wounds no longer has a healing component.

why tho?
dk is already the class with the lowest representation above 2.4 and uhdk especially is at the absolut bottom of the barrel.
do they even check how speccs/classes perform before deciding on buffs/nerfs?
like the necrotic wound nerf is crazy.

no. The intern’s tight schedule doesn’t allow for this unfortunately. It’s better to give up on retail dk and if you want to keep playing the class, try cata or mop.

They’re buffing Fury Warrior. What do you think?

On the bright side. It can’t get worse for Dk from here on out