Looking for a raiding guild that starts just a bit later than the others?
Hi, we’re < Fourth Wing > - made from a tight-knit core group who just enjoy playing games together, we have created a home for like-minded players who want to casually take down heroic raids and progress through Mythic at a natural pace as a team.
Everything is kept very light-hearted. We like to try, but we also encourage our team to have fun and improve where they can. So there’s no egos (well, maybe one or two!).
Our players are a mixed bunch from all over UK, Europe and the USA. Some are former top 500 players, some it’s their first twelve months in game. We’re very friendly and like to get to know each other beyond WoW too. Our focus within WoW is raiding, but we do have a few that enjoy M+, or even branching out to other games.
If you feel like this fits in well with what you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to add us on battle.net for a chat:
A testimonial heard last night - “this is the most normal guild I think I’ve ever been in”. I hope he’s refering to personalities and not our skill level.
Come find out.
We’ve got a solid roster and whilst the low list has a load of specs on it, we’ve an almost full group. We just need a couple of folk to fill us out. We’ll do a HC blast this Wednesday and then mythic prog Monday. A good opportunity to see if you like our style before being saved.
Message us!
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Still have a spot or two. Fresh mythic run Monday
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Why you should contact us
Family folk; your kids are in bed and you’ll have had whatever snack was masquerading as dinner. You’ve already spent an hour watching TV with your partner and are now both sick of each other. Come play WoW at 9pm server time with us. It’s perfect sleep procrastination to avoid thinking about the next day.
Sensible childless folk; you’re back from the gym, had dinner and are loving life. You’ve already done all your fulfilling hobbies and fancy chilling on the computer until bedtime. Come play WoW at 9pm server time with us and prolong your happiness.
Kids; go to bed.
The most important thing is we raid and have a go. There’s no mad performance criteria or pressure. We like to try to get better, but we help each other along the way. We’ve some really good players who love to group up and help people.
Our raid leader is super friendly and keeps us all in line without being too dictatorial and annoying. A few in the group are real life friends and it really has created a fun and friendly place to play.
- We’re a smaller group
While we are raiding Mythic, we tend to play a smaller roster of 20-22, so you would most definitely be a core member and sitting out on Mythic would be rare.
Who should contact us?
You’re not afraid to have a go on Mythic bosses, but you’re also pretty chill with only heroic raiding should the numbers prevent. The odd raid night on progression is more fun than frustrating for you.
You need some more people to play with. So do we, please message us!
Maybe your guild has shrunk in number and you want to buddy up with another to get back raiding, sounds good to us.
You want to get back into raiding after a long break, or mythic plus, or just want some Discord to hang in. All good reasons to message.
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Need a Disc priest? I’m a returning player (on and off since Vanilla). Hit me up if so:
Bnet - Final#2859
Discord - Beamz5742
Hi! Sorry, but I think at this point in time, we need a tank and some exceptional DPS, but thanks for your interest! Hope you find a place you can call home 
Still looking for more dps!
Come join a friendly guild and help us kill all the bosses and then we can be the best team that ever lived and have a great time, please thanks!
I’ve a have started playing again and now i’m looking for a raiding guild to do some HC raids and M+ i main a retribution Paladin i’m at ilvl 612 let me know if you have a place in your roster for me.
thank you
Updated - we are now 3/8M!
Looking for DPS!
May be a couple of spots tonight and beyond if you’re without a home and wondering what to do.
DPS who are AOTC or decently geared from m+ or a tip top healer would be good to hear from.