It’s still close enough to WotLK in terms of content that it is absolutely trivialised. So it manages to not really hit the nostalgia button but also not really be hard, either.
What I wanted was something that had that same difficulty relative to current skill levels, similar to what private Blizzlike realms did, and also have it contain some new stuff so it wasn’t just the exact same game.
That MC first in greens was done by Apes i think. Aka ultimate min max sweatlords from private servers. Chants / WBs / Consummables / players who speedrun vanilla 343563 times on private carried the whole thing.
I mean the whole Classic progression / meta can be resumed in 2 words: Double Crusader.
Then see your auto attacks proc it to the heaven of parses.
Yes, Ulduar, Naxxx, cleared very fast, because … breaking news, the expansion was first out in 2009 and we have the last patch from Wotlk in terms of class balances, etc.
Don’t get …annoyed. Just annoy yourself by playing DF and leave the better expansion , Wotlk alone.
DF is like the 3rd worst expansion ever, after BfA and Shadowlands.
Well these people were playing on PTR a lot, and getting the mechanics right. Plus all of these bosses are old and all of the mechanics/tactics are already known. I am not surprised at all, that very high end prepared guild cleared it on day1.
Well you dont really have that right now because the only time you ‘see’ something new is when there’s something mythic exclusive thats alot more the nadding one add,.
You act as if modern raids were any different. You dodge this, do dps for a few, heal through AoE, dps for a few, kill a mob or two, dps and then the whole thing repeats. And again, it’s all a matter of practice. If people had years and years of practice, let alone practice in speedrunning the thing, Vault would get absolutely rekt day 1 as well.
This argument only was true for Vanilla, where people had crap internet, no voice comms and just afk’d for a whole raid and didn’t stand out in a 40 man lagfest. That was the whole reason 40 man raiding was scrapped in TBC.
TBC prenerfs were not easy at all. Kara/Gruul yes but Mag required faultless coordination and execution that was not easy w/o voice in original TBC, and even in Classic it was a small challenge the first reset. Vasj and KT weren’t even killed for months on end in original TBC and in Classic prenerf they were not easy at all.
Sunwell prenerf was impossible back then unless you were in an extremely hardcore guild.
Wrath original was easier yes, but Ulduar HM spanked a lot of guilds and is on par with Sunwell prenerf. Only thing that made it gradually easier is gear was/is so much easier to get in wrath. Badges for tier gear (I mean lolwhut) is just one example, so guilds get stronger faster without having to clear as much bosses.
They didn’t fail. Have you seen the nr of people that log on to classic daily and don’t play retail? That’s thousands + monthly subs they would have otherwise lost, from a business standpoint. And what else were the options when they first did classic? People were calling out for a re-release of vanilla for years. They played it safe when they did nochanges because no matter what you change people will be angry. Only after Classic they realized they had to change stuff, like the Black Lotus spawns or the Chronoboon for example.
Also I don’t trust the current blizz dev team to add on to classic so that it feels like it was designed during vanilla.
And yeah we’re getting cata classic maybe but I prefer a reset to Classic - TBC - Wrath in a year or 3 when people start to miss those expansions.
There’s no question they’ve got players. But they still failed at what they set out to do. They have not rekindled WoW as it was beyond the levelling game. These raids are a joke, and people say that it’s just because people got better, but it clearly isn’t. These clears are so fast because everybody knows every strategy in the minutest detail and they have multiple clients running so they can re log - because seriously these 30-40 second reload would’ve cost them almost 10% of the time it took to down the raid.
The PvP is so metagamed and broken that I just couldn’t stand it.
The community wanted this, or at least we said so. But of course the truth of it is that we wanted WoW how it felt, not how it really was in detail, but we didn’t trust Blizzard to deliver that, and we were right - so we told them to keep their hands off. And this is what we get - a solved, but fun for the people who don’t know everything, game that will slowly devolve into retail. Cataclysm is next - the old world goes away. 2004 Azeroth will be gone once more. What now? This is gonna be one help I of a drama. I can’t wait.