Had lottsa fun in Uldum, looking good for WM in 8.3! Plus, I can fly in non-BfA zones!
Was trying to get my last rare in assault last night, and this DH wanted it too. A fun battle as we killed each other a few times trying to own the rare! Going forward I am unlikely to be at assault for PvE, but that was fun! Next assault = PvP only for me I think!
Had lots of Uldum fun too however the sharding and phasing make quick work to put an end of it when two people brought in about 8+ people just to kill a bounty
Hordemode at its finest.
I actually like when we get a bounty and anticipating the Horde grouping up. Feels fun wondering when they show up for their loot. Then a fun battle even if we lose our bounties. But maybe we keep them, and that’s fun too.
For WM, important thing is to have places where prey congregate, and 8.3 improved that situation nicely.
Well I like it till it gets to the point where it gets a bit of a handsful due to the fact just as an example we were playing in a party of two and about roughly 6-8 grouped up horde drop in with atleast 1 healer accounted for even going as far as using TW. Most of them being off realmers too
Its fun till it becomes a messy zerg of who can fill up the raid faster.
Was very fun for me as well going for Servant of N’zoth title. Only bad thing was that I got bounty on my head halfway through which meant I couldn’t fly… in Uldum…