Ultimate Warlock Feedback

Affliction got screwed over.
No Everlasting Affliction because Demonic Pact is mandatory. No Curse of Agony/Doom because Curse of Recklessness is mandatory. New stupid shadow immolate dot to track and to share the same rune slot with Mark of Chaos. We already had a useless dot, Siphon Life, that is mandatory pick for Shadow Mastery, which could have used some love instead of a new dot. Old Shadowflame was great and had its use for tanks.

Dark Pact still unchanged which is a capstone talent.

Warlocks eternal curse is to be a buff bot everyone else.

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I would accept the new shadowflame without complaining if it were on the same slot as soul siphon.
But now they are forcing us to use soul siphon on cloak because it is the only choice.
It is a dps loss to use drain soul - even in execute phase it feels weak because it does not crit and does not trigger improved shadow bolt.
Why did they move mark of chaos away from cloak, i see zero sense in that besides making affliction worse on purpose.
Destro got buffed with this move, now they can use mark of chaos + soul fire rune. In addition they got buffed by moving incinerate rune to wrist. Also they got backdraft improved to no longer consume immolate and duration increased to 15s up from 10.

This is a complete joke, they force soul siphon down our throats even though it is complete trash. It ticks for 350 per second and below 20% it ticks for 750.
Totally useless above 20% and then below 20% in the time of 1 shadow bolt cast it deals about the same damage as an average shadow bolt if you add up the chance for a crit .
So instead of providing a dps gain it is only a sidegrade and the real problem is that shadow bolt has a chance to trigger +20% bonus shadow damage and drain soul does not. So in the end drain soul is a downgrade even in the execute phase where it is meant to be strong AF.

Guys i dont know if you care about pvp or just pve but i logged to do some duels and its not even funny ,the dmg other classes doing its night an day vs affli. No way to sustain with drain life you just get 2 shotted. Melee hunter just 3 shotted me(he had lot of buffs tbh but still) I am out lol :stuck_out_tongue: