Ultimate Warlock Feedback


Most, if not all, of these adjustments are aimed towards making the Warlock class feel less clunky, more intuitive and overall streamline the experience. As of right now, Tank Warlocks don’t have a clear direction and that’s fine, we’re all trying to figure it out but now is the time to act. DPS Warlocks have two vastly different play styles in the form of a direct hard hitting Destruction spec and a DoT based Affliction spec; Affliction specifically suffers from a lack of QoL, though Warlocks in general suffer from misplaced runes.
The following is first and foremost aimed at improving gameplay, any increases in damage are either a positive consequence or a necessity.

-Infernal Armor now provides a damage buff equal to your physical damage reduction in addition to its previous effect.
-Note: Defensive CDs in general are very unpopular among Tank Warlocks because of their low value, rare use case and the fact it prevents them from using a more desirable rune on the same slot. By giving Infernal Armor a damage buff, it incentivizes Tanks to run a defensive CD and it gives them a useful button to press when the CD isn’t needed. Due to its short duration of 10s and its reliance on the armor stat, it will push Tanks into more defensive gear options, freeing up the traditional DPS pieces that they might compete on with actual DPS classes. Furthermore, the reliance on armor deters DPS Warlocks from taking this rune, as they dont have the Metamorph armor boost.

-Demonic Grace Dodge and Crit increased from 30% to 35%. Cooldown increased from 20sec to 30sec.
-Dance of the Wicked no longer overwrites more powerful versions of itself. Additionally, dodging an attack while Dance is active causes your next Shadow Cleave to deal 75% more damage to its primary target. Skills that hit multiple targets now regain 1% maximum mana per critical strike.
-Note: Grace and Dance are notoriously underutilized, because Dodge hasn’t really been properly integrated into both gear and kit. Regardless, the synergy exists so it should be adjusted to a point where it’s useful. This gives Tanks additional useful defensive CDs without feeling hamstrung by them. The synergy with Dance is effective in two ways. On the one hand it gives Tanks two defensive rune options instead of feeling pressured into picking DPS runes, on the other hand it balances itself by being a synergy of two runes rather than a singular overpowered rune. The increase in dodge, crit, and cooldown of Grace serves to prevent the following interaction from feeling too powerful: It incentivizes Tanks to use Demonic Grace often, as it increases their Shadow Cleave damage in single target fights through the Dance synergy, which facilitates the upkeep of the spell power buff gained from extra defense over 300. This is an especially important interaction because Searing Pain is an extremely strong spell, both in terms of damage and threat so Tanks favored tab target spamming Searing Pain instead of cleaving, however it is also important to keep up the buff from Shadow Cleave. Having to use a spell with low damage and low threat just to get a small spell power buff felt like a nuisance, so with a buff to the primary target damage, Tanks are now incentivized to use Shadow Cleave on fights with fewer targets. A 75% increase to the primary target brings the damage closer to Searing Pain without overpowering it, while also keeping the AoE damage in check.

-Immolation Aura now also grants 1% Fire damage for 10 seconds every time you use a Fire spell, up to a maximum of 5%.
-Note: Destruction Warlocks lack a compelling rune in this slot. They were often forced to stand in melee range which put them in danger and caused excessive movement. Giving them a scaling fire based damage buff gives them an option to stay away without feeling like they lost out on an entire rune slot.

-Lake of Fire now also allows Rain of Fire and Hellfire damage to critically hit.
-Note: The combination of Rain of Fire as an instant cast and Hellfire as a point blank area effect requires movement and risk, and should be rewarded with higher damage potential. The high mana cost of both spells discourages spamming, but enabling critical hits for Rain of Fire and Hellfire will create a viable AoE option for fire based Warlocks. Paired with the mana gain from Dance of the Wicked, it will create sustain though synergy without feeling too powerful.

-Demonic Knowledge is now a baseline ability.
-Note: Demonic Knowledge is the most powerful rune in its slot. According to Archon.gg, 99.8% of Warlocks use it. It feels bad knowing that picking any other rune is a downgrade and it feels even worse knowing that Paladins, Shamans, and Moonkins now have a more powerful version of our rune baked right into their class as a baseline ability.

-Demonic Pact is now a baseline ability and its effect is now raid wide.
-Note: Due to its overall strength, Demonic Pact has become a must-bring rune to raids, often forcing an underpowered Affliction Warlock to use it instead of a rune that might benefit the Warlock themself. A similar situation existed for Hunters with Trueshot Aura and Heart of the Lion and the solution there was to turn Heart of the Lion into a baseline ability. The same solution is appropriate here.

-Mark of Chaos rune moved to boots. Mark of Chaos effect can no longer be separately resisted and a delay has been added between the Curse fading and Mark of Chaos disappearing. Curse of Recklessness now also applies Mark of Chaos.
-Note: Currently Mark of Chaos can resist even if the curse that applies it does not. This creates a situation where you have to either reapply Agony immediately or, if you use Curse of Doom, you would now have to remove your CoD with Agony. Furthermore adding a slight delay (couple seconds) between the curse expiring and Mark fading will help players reapply their curse without the risk of clipping and without the risk of raid damage suddenly plummeting. Enabling Curse of Recklessness to apply MoC helps in situations where a raid only has one Warlock.

-Soul Siphon rune moved to Cloak. When you cast Shadow Bolt, your shadow damage over time is increased by an additional 4% for each of your Warlock Shadow effects afflicting the target, up to a maximum of 12% additional effect. Lasts 15 seconds.
-Note: This rune returns to its original form but expands the effect to include all shadow damage over time, and is now triggered by casting Shadow Bolt, with a duration. This gives Affliction a needed boost, using its signature damage method, and ensures spells like Siphon Life and Drain Life are staples of Affliction play. With Demonic Pact and Demonic Knowledge going baseline, and Mark of Chaos and Soul Siphon changing locations, the Cloak, Chest, Legs, and Boots slots now all have competitive options for Affliction, Destruction, and Tanks, with some specs having proper choices now instead of being forced to pick something they don’t want to.

-Curse of Doom now benefits from Haunt.
(Note to Devs: This is a shadow damage over time ability, so it should qualify. However, Curse of Doom has been subject to special interaction in the past. I request you consider these previous rules before allowing Haunt to apply.)

-Shadowflame is reverted to its old version.
(Note to Devs: The new version of Shadowflame is a solution looking for a problem. The old version of Shadowflame was very useful for area of effect tanking and farming. The reason it was never taken was Demonic Knowledge being overly dominant. With Demonic Knowledge moved to baseline, this rune will see much more play. We’d really like to have it back.)

-Spell hit ring runes now also reduce the inherent level based resistance of your target.
(Note to Devs: Melee weapon skill addresses the glancing blow damage reduction penalty based on attacker skill vs defender skill. The idea is to occasionally reduce attack damage against targets 3 levels above you or higher. The analogous system for casters is not spell hit, but partial resistance. Mobs have flat level based resistance for each level they are above you. This resistance cannot be reduced by spell penetration or any other means. Melee often have very little issue reaching their hit cap and get their partial damage penalty reduced with these ring runes, whereas casters struggle to cap their hit and cannot reduce the partial penalty. This addresses that.)

-Pets no longer benefit from Judgement of Wisdom.
-Note: Currently Horde Warlocks are at a disadvantage due to Alliance having Judgement of Wisdom, which works for Warlock pets. Shamanistic Rage and Mana Tide do not work for Warlock pets, resulting in a rather large damage gap. Disabling Judgement of Wisdom for pets restores Warlock faction balance without hurting overall performance significantly.

-Soulwell added as a grimoire found in maximum level dungeons.
Note: Maximum level raids will feature harder difficulty and increased raid damage. Healthstones will be in high demand and a better distribution system is needed.

-Improved Shadow Bolt no longer has charges.
Note: With the increase of shadow damage users in SoD, Improved Shadow Bolt has become an important talent. Unfortunately all charges are typically used up almost instantly. Give this the Stormstrike treatment and remove the charges.

This is the brainchild of Niche, Xn, and the Warlock Discord.


Great write up guys. Let’s hope we get heard and that they act on our feedback.

Mostly awsome ideas! They really should do this.
Only 2 things i don’t really agree with

I don’t get this here… you would accept x1.5 cooldown for just x1.17 effect? Thats a loss in the end.

And this one i also dislike… they will force us to cast reckless again instead of agony.
It should rather be “mark of chaos now also reduces armor of target by -700 (or whatever the value is)”

The increase in CD is there to balance out the synergy. It also aligns itself perfectly with having a boosted Dance for 15 seconds into an unboosted Dance for another 15 seconds before Grace is ready again. Leaving it at 20 seconds would give you an almost permanent high dodge buff.

As for the CoR part. Someone has to do it anyway, I don’t know why you’d think we wouldn’t. This way at least it frees up a rune for a different Warlock in the raid if the guy running CoR already applies MoC. Or the other way around, the CoR caster could run a different rune to benefit himself while the Agony user applies MoC.

Because the current Warlock suggestions leave us with less Runes than other classes with DK and DP Baseline there could be room for a rune that allows Demonic Sacrifice users to benefit from DK by snapshotting the stats when the pet gets sacrificed and offer them proccing DP on their own while Demonic Sacrifice buff is active.

The other open rune could be Soul Link works in Metamorphosis at a 50% capacity.

Talking about demonic grace… anyone ever tested if the 30% crit will be snapshotted on full dot duration or is it applied for the 6s (2 dot ticks) only?

it’s for the entire duration.

Ok so it is a awesome rune now. You can apply UA+Corr+CoA now every 20 sec with extra 30% crit. Small dps loss because not optimal uptime, but the extra 30% crit for full duration will make a sick dps increase

The only thing this is list missing are Dark Pact changes, so let me contribute something. My hopes for Dark Pact via runes, few options.

  1. Scale with spell power, refreshes shortest duration dot on any target to its full duration (excluding drain life and doom), gives enrage to pet and increase its damage ie. 25%. This would make everlasting affliction obsolete.
  2. Scale with spell power, give a 60s buff to player to reduce global cooldown and dot duration by 33% percent, making dots tick every 2 second instead of 3. Works with drain life and doom too.
  3. scale with spell power, give pet enrage ie 25% and while pet is enraged, its attacks would refresh the shortest duration dot on target (excluding drain life and doom), again this would make everlasting affliction obsolete
  4. If nothing else, just adjust Dark Pact to scale with spell power to compete with Life Tap + Master Channel. Right now in P3 Dark Pact is 133 mana per second and in P4 166 mana per second. In comparison: Morning Glory Dew 98 mana per second, Manna Biscuit 147 mana per second and Jungle Durian 220 mana per second. In raiding environment during combat my Life Tap with talents gives 800+ mana which is over 500 mana per second. Master Channeler will heal that up 3 to 4 seconds making Dark Pact useless in raids.

I think the power of Dark Pact is to have a mana battery and not to be dependant on healing to be able to dps in healing heavy fights. So far these kind of encounters have been very scarce after all ST nerfs.


Great post guys, lets hope they listen to us :pray:

No range buff for drainlife? I believe its super important for pvp also.
Sp needs that also for mind flay.

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Great feedback!

Great feedback, good to see it in EU forums as well!

If they dont give us spell pushback protection maybe give us a rune of dark pact : that sacrifices hp for a shield will 100%help with pvp to give you some seconds to be able to cast and in pve so you can cast imolate or incinerates while tanking.

And make howl of terror instant, does any1 ever use this spell? 2 sec cast?gl casting that thing even vs 2-3 mobs lol you cant.
Its beyond me why this spell has 2 sec cast.

Well since its so important cuz WL is in a terrible state… BUMP

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Would love that three changes so much that i would never ask for anything else for affliction warlock :innocent:

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Great ideas. As a long warlock player i agree with your ideas 100% !

Wow they did it… they made it worse. Mark of chaos is now on boots and also triggers from recklessness.
So using CoR instead of agony is back on the menu.

Demonic knowledge is now useless. Down to 3% instead of 10%. But as compensation we get fel armor spellbook. (Even better than old demonic knowledge)

But soul siphon is now a must use as affli because it is now on cloak and the only option for us.
And shadow flame is now also a must use because of “shadowflame now can trigger improved shadow bolt and increases it’s stacks from 4 to 10”

But now also demonic pact is raid wide which is nice.
So overall i am not really happy … they should put mark of chaos back to cloak and soul siphon crap to boots instead - then it would be good for me.

Fel guard damage another +20%
But grimoire of Synergy down to 10% from 25.

Shadow bolt volley now deals 95% damage instead of 80.

why would you think this was going aways? CoR applying Mark is a straight buff. Instead of having to have 2 Warlocks to apply MoC and CoR you only need 1 now.

Soul Siphon and Shadowflame were made specifically for affliction Warlocks to help them and you’re complaining that affliction warlocks get mandatory runes? well yeah that’s the point, they’re getting runes. the ISB charges help significantly.

No. Luckily good for you is bad for everyone else.

FG needed a buff, this is that. Grimoire was annoying because of its too low proc chance, and its high power when it’s up. this doubles the proc chances and lowers the benefit, meaning the other rune options are actually useful now. There are even situations were invocation can see use.

yep. huge dmg buff.

Overall these changes are massive and if you’re unhappy then that’s a private issue you might have.

They could have made it the other way around. But they chose to make it the hard way.
It could be:
CoA + CoD apply mark of chaos.
Mark of chaos applies +10% spell damage, -75 spell resistances and -670 armor. Same outcome but without any warlock needs to lower his own parses for melee parsers.
But hey it’s not that SoD was meant to remove some problems that existed in vanilla or maybe it is? :sweat_smile:

Yes because shadowflame and mark of chaos are now both on boots and i hate to have to chose between them.
And in addition a weak rune aka soul siphon is now mandatory to use. Don’t get how anyone could think that is a good thing in the end.

After these changes it is possible to be a single warlock per raid. And then you have to sacrifice a lot of your possible dps for the raid.

Use CoR instead of CoA
Use mark of chaos instead of shadowflame
Use demonic pact instead of demonic grace.