Unable to connect

I am currently facing a HUGE problem with my connection to WoW. I can’t even log in to my Battle.net account. I want this problem solved as soon as possible.

Hey Alanel,

Without specific information, there isn’t a great deal to go on here. What I would suggest however, as a rule of thumb, is to try the steps in this article.

post made 3 hours ago, 0 information given on what is the actual problem, 1 hour later a blue responded to the post. mean while there are 2 mega-threads with +500 comments and lots of actual information with MTR test about a problem that many players are facing since start of expansion and 0 response from Blizzard, literally none for 5 days!. what’s up with the hate against “Iranian” players recently? you guys planning on banning us again just like you did in start of MoP in 2012???

the mega-threads im referring to are these:


here are all the MTR tests, just in case u ever wanted to give a damn: