Logging issue of thousand iranian players

Hi dear blizzard i have this problem too if u fix it iranians really thanks to yours


me and bounch of my friends we are playing this game for like over 14 years now . i can actually say i spend my whole yong age life playing world of warcraft :slight_smile: im not im regret anyway ! i know my how my country sucks . i know bllizard is actually exaqtly doing some political and maybe we can even say racism jobs to all iranian players as they did few years ago when cata expantion days ( they did block iran ips back there for few mounths ) and im really sorry to saying this … ! i mean what do we want ?:slight_smile: just playing a game wich is VERY VERY VERY VERY expensive in our country right now ( thank to sanctions) and we will pay for this game anyway as we did befor … i have no clue how hard it gona be for a big company like bllizard to get rid of this problem so thousend of players can come back to the game and just play a simple game :slight_smile: we have fight 2 sides for only joining a simple game :slight_smile: our own country as they remove or filter vpns every day . and the other side beging for bllizard to do somthing about it :slight_smile: it doesnt sound fair to me ! i remember once an game employer or somthing we dont care who is playing our game ( wow) what color your skin is . where are you from … we see everyone only as humans !! there you go ?! i can garanty no1 will even knotice if you guys just talk to amazon duds and make an exeption for us or find a way to fix this problem somhow … or atleast if you WOnt do it just say it in a blue post so every other single players from all around the world will understand that bllizard is ignoring thounsend of players and a country …


Hi blizz , plz help us , there are hundred thousands of us playing this wonderful game and spending our time here while unfortunately we don’t have any other enjoyment at all in iran , internet speed and ping already not much good here and now with this problem and vpn things its worst, so we are all asking you to help us , we know you care about your player , thank you blizz.
From a teenager that love your games in iran :heart::heart::heart:


They never hear voice of middle east … fact

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y’ll are not trees though
move out if a country does not suit your needs

you think so? ever heard of “army duty”? means you are obligated to join army and serve for 2 years FOR FREE, in order to get your passport and freedom to leave the country :slight_smile:

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Same issue . help us please

same here :frowning:

Short term solution is using VPN guys we don’t know when are they going to fix this and i assure you guys if you don’t do shady stuff with a VPN you wont get into trouble, even if you do opening a ticket should help.
I have been using a VPN starting back in bfa when these issues with the iran ip came to the table and only WoW has these issues other blizzard games work just fine for us.

Be strong guys and hope for better communication from blizzard.

+++ same problem ++++

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Hi dear tyrant blizzard !
You know better why I addressed you like this …
You know better than anyone that this game is very addictive , Good or Bad!
We Iranians, like other peoples of the world, are addicted to this game, but this addiction has recently been accompanied by a hangover, Because we have to use a VPN’s or Proxy to cross the barrier of Amazon servers Because of sanctions against the Iranian government or whatever …
According to your rules, if we use this type of software(third-app), which is full of risk, there is a possibility of being ban !
I have been playing since 2009 and I have earned a lot of Achieve points and I have a lot of characters and I never risk my account being ban!
Your business is two-sided and I know that leaving thousands of Iranian players will not cause you serious harm, but you should know that it is easy for Iranian players to quit their addiction due to the hard life they have in Iran!
Conversely, this is possible, meaning that by lifting the Amazon embargo, you will attract more players because many players left for that Reason.
Knowing that you do not even look at this article, I wrote this for the hearts of those who play this game to escape the depression of life in Iran.

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I am from Iran too and I get disconnected every time

Hello Blizzard ;
as a Iranian player we have many issue in and outside of game for example : game doesn’t load or stuck during loading and we have high latency in game and disconnected sometime becuase we should use vpn to play game since you release Shadowland and move your servers to amazon! And we didn’t have these issues before that ! plz Fix this problem and thank you very much

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We are all have same problem these days loading stuck or more time do not load and we see the instant not found error much since the Shadowland release also after that time high latency while playing wow annoying all of us player espicialy from Iran :frowning:
Dear blizzard plz respond this as soon as you can TY :slight_smile: I’m your big fan before this and will be biggest if you do something about because I’ve been played wow since 2007 !!

Hey everyone. Hope you’re doing great. This will be a long post, sorry in advance.
It’s been a while since Shadowlands has come out and I’m genuinely disappointed. Ever since the expansion’s launch, players like me who are from Iran and are playing from here cannot go through a loading screen and will get stuck there unless we log with a VPN turned on.
There have been other posts about this that ended up with next to no response… And Blizzard is just saying that there is no problem on their end and that we have to contact our ISP and such.
This is NOT from our side. People like myself have been playing this game on official retail servers with the same internet for years and have had no issues until the SL release. We’ve checked different ISPs, contacted them, and nothing came of it. The problem is not on their/our end.
All of us have tried every single “fix” for this problem but none of them work. CLEARLY this on Blizzard’s end and I genuinely don’t want to keep playing this game with a VPN. I love pvp and using a VPN seriously puts me behind on stuff like fake casting, interrupts and etc.
I don’t know if this post will get achieve anything but I know there’s a really big community out there consisting of Iranians that just want to play the game normally. We already suffer through the sanctions and can’t actually purchase anything properly from the shop and now we can’t even connect to the game properly.
I hope this post will achieve at least SOMETHING.



Yes True what are you Doing Blizzard


Blizzard is American company and USA has placed Iran under sanctions. Like explained in n+1 threads before.


The sanctions include the purchase of products from the shop, not actually connecting to the game itself.
These sanctions were present during BFA and none of us had issues connecting back in BFA.
Whatever this is, it’s new.


I suspect that using a VPN to evade the sanctions, is gonna get your account permbanned.

it has nothing to do with the sanctions. this happened before back in 8.3 on drustvar map. not even iranians had this problem. no one could enter the waycrest manor dungeon , and the same error popped there too ( Instance not Found error). this is 100% from blizzard and has nothing to do with ISP’s or Sanctions.