Unable to connect!

I miss my guildies and since this apparently isn’t getting fixed tonight I hope you all sleep well and can log on tomorrow


IF that was just 1 service of a game why not but look like even starcraft (tried also to connect with SC2 US) doesn’t work that how i notice i was kinda dependant of blizzard games

Edit : Warcraft III seems to work somehow :joy:

every blizzard game is dead xd


No… I mean yes.

Not gonna lie, sucks being locked out for the entire evening here… I could have lived with a few minutes but my pleasant time off has been ruined.

Despite that, i’m still pretty sure we’re not going to get a single day of free subscription added for our lost time.


thats right bro…

btw someone a +19 TOTT if we get to play this evening even? XDDD

2 hrs and counting,to not have an update is a joke,million dollar business with 1 buck as a brain,these disruptions never cease to amaze me,UPDATE US BLIZZ.


online at exact 23.00 eu

looks like more then just a server issue

Us came online 22.00 eu time as planned

thus a headstart on SOD p3



Just got onto Stitches !! :slight_smile: - Dare I play though ??

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It’s working now.


same haven’t been able to log in all night !!! :smiling_face_with_tear: :thinking:


Still cant login on wrath…


A new day and still no access?
How about testing these things beforehand and fixing problems before going live?
13 hours plus at the moment…

Seems to be working fine for me? i can log in now anyways :smiley:

working for me, but takes a while to log in a char. around 70 % the blue bar stops and it takes around 20-30 sec to continue, at least I can log in

I still can’t download update what is wrong help me please

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