Unable To Create Guild Charter

Hi Blizzard,

                I have been trying to create / buy a guild charter all evening.

Every time I click “Buy Charter” the NPC looks away from me (as if to accept the trade) and then nothing happens.

This occurs with all guild masters in the game.

Can you advise why this is?

  • Bertrum

I’m assuming you’re not already in a guild or have signed someone else’s guild charter? Also there’ve been problems this evening with social tab things; I can’t imagine that would effect the purchase of a charter but, just in case, could you restart the game.

If that doesn’t work could you try resetting the UI - https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/7549 It’s the only other thing I can think that might be causing it.

Hi Ananda,

                 Thanks for responding so fast.  I have already done all things you have suggested.    I will retry tomorrow & see if that works!

Thank you

  • Bertrum