Unable to Enter Wailing Caverns or Deadmines

As the title says I am unable to enter the pet battle dungeons.

When I visit the npcs they no longer offer the quest to begin the scenarios. The npc outside of Wailing Caverns just has some speech and the npc outside of Deadmines is just showing as a vendor now.

Anyone else have this issue?

I also have no quest to send me Gnomergan - I am assuming this is also in the Dalaran pet store?

Just for clarity;

  • I have completed Wailing Caverns and Deadmines before.

  • The npc in Dalaran who teleports you is still doing so.

This is probably a result of the fix they just made. Maybe it was incomplete, or maybe it borked other things.

As for Gnomeregan, I don’t think that is available in Dala. For Alliance, it is at the pet store in Boralus

and I presume the pet store in Dara’zalor for Horde. How to get there as Horde:

– go to Grom’gol Base Camp in Nothern Stranglethorn
– take the teleport into Gnomegeran
– create a custom group and instantly leave it
– wait a minute to get teleported out of the dungeon

its happen several time at past specially panda and wod.everytime they change they secrew up.and bad news it sometimes took 5-10 month to fix.
most people dont understant masters or dungeons not buged.stupied issue is blizard play with pets so your progress broken result.all wod panda kalimdor bla bla quests u done ages ago reseted without do those u cant unlock them.
so anooying due i know how lazy they are even biger problems i decide do quest .guess what happen i done it and next day again kalimdor quest pop from it.like not done it one day before now today semi sleepy doing again then will go panda fable and wod will unlock all as posbile ones
archeology when buged was almost year took they fix and lot more people affect more serious problem was.
people didnt care pet there for even they affected they not talk.
i dont want offend anyone but not have much hope.
maybe some partly fix several weeks later at past they didnt
prevous pet battle week quests were buged entire account be able to very best 1 time have 5 120 overal 100+ 30 caracter and only 1.they didnt fix it.
since panda/wod some pet progress reseted buged
and all this happen becouse of blizard trying fix some unbroken idiotic pet battle xp .they have algeric to not bothersome patchs.

Can’t speak for the Gnomeregan stuff, but I can’t get the WC weekly q up. Pity, seeing as I only need the rare pet from there. I submitted a bug report; don’t forget to do the same!

Yes, some things are still broken.
I can’t pick up weekly quests either, and while falcosaurs no longer creep me out, my Hordie is told to: level a pet to 3, visit Varzok (who is the quest giver), and battle Kalimdor tamers – all at once. (It’s not a faction issue – completed both sides. Unless it’s a hidden lore statement about the blood elves…)

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