Unable to learn talent

I am not able to learn a talent out of a choice node. I always get the error “unable to learn talent”. This happens specifically for Fodder to the Flame/Elysian Decree on my Demon hunter. This is not true on my Vengeance spec, where the same choice node exists (albeit in a different location in the tree).

Before this bug, the opposite happened where the fodder talent was proving regardless of not speccing into the talent. Both bugs started not long after trying to import RIO talent string, which was unable to load. At some point, I also had negative talents on my class tree.

I copied my character on PTR and there, and even though there were negative talents after one build, I could pick Fodder to the flame once I made a build.


Similar issue here but on my warlock. Tried everything from deleting and restoring the characted to reinstalling the game. The talents in cause are Cry Havoc and Pandemonium and the Havoc spell in general. Looking forward for a fix as I’m at my wit’s end. Can’t believe I’m paying a sub for this.

Yes, unfortunately no word from blizzard yet.

Any news on a fix for this yet. Shadow talent tree bugged and a number of spells not showing in spell book

Still nothing? I cannot play my priest right now due to this issue.

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