Unable to solo galakras

The problem is the cooldown of the canon. U need to hit Galakras 2 times in 2 seconds, but the cd of a shoot is idk 3 or 4 seconds. This was patched for Remix.

Same here I can’t figure it out


Keeping this thread up, as of 25th of August it is still bugged in EU. Cannons have 4 second cooldown, boss needs 2 shots in 3 seconds, rendering it undoable. Please fix.

was trying it today, sitting here like 1hour, hitted boss like 40 times… it stays up… cant get it down

up still an issue, mop remix is over sooooo maybe revert blizzard ?

You might think they Blizzard would see this and switch it back within 2 seconds but no.

Yah, trying to get all 4 colours if iron juggernaut pets for rmx hunter alt so i need the drops from Iron juggernaut and Blackfuse 4 times and for every run i need someone to help me pass Galakras. Small indie…

Hello, it seems as of today that this fight is not bugged; nor is there any sort of like mechanic missing

By reading the mechanics, and the ability of the canon atop the tower, galadras will get down if shot twice within 3 seconds

Tho, for some reasons, the recast timer for the canon is set at 4 seconds, which makes it impossible to solo since u cannot go fast enough to the other tower to shoot at the drake a second time within that 3 seconds timeframe

The fight isn’t bugged, they changed the recast timer of the canon shot so i can’t be soloed anymore

It’s “Bugged” in the meaning that before Remix, there were mechanics in place to make the fight soloable. They removed those changes for Remix, but have since not changed it back. This is still considered a bug as the functionality was there and there’s no reason for it still to be gone.

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Still unsoloable in EU. Please fix