Unable to solo galakras

Been trying to solo mythic galakras like I normally do every week but now i’m unable to shoot galakras down. I hit him twice and nothing happens


Same here! No matter what I try Galakras is not coming down…


Just tested myself and the same, unable to continue past this bugged boss, keeps flying around no matter how many times you hit it.

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Im having the same problem, last week I was able to do it after a few tries, but today I’ve shot Galakras 10+ times in a row but it’s still flying.

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Same here, last week I was able to do it after a few tries but today I’ve shot Galakras 10+ times in a row and it’s still flying around.

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Just posting here to say that I have the same problem.
I have shot the dragon at lest 70 times.
And I get the “Galakras was hit” Notice every time

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Sounds like a L2p issue

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Nope it’s bugged

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Quote from Reddit : "
I was going mad because of this s**t, but it looks like killing the commander near the cannon AFTER he/she speaks does the trick. it’s only 4 shots at the dragon."

First Hit and he lands.

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That doesn’t work either.
This morning I waited 3 minutes after the tower was opened. before I even climbed it.
I shot the boss 20 times, and nothing happened.


Sounds like a toxic nerd alert over here


Same here! I tried it on hc but not working…

Seems on US, it’s a known bug due to Remix as they changed the instance to require two to do that task now. And since Remix is on live servers that means non-Remix has to follow same rules.

3 second stun, 4 second cannon reset to fire again so you can’t fire twice quickly as before.

They may not bother fixing it and bring it back to soloable again in 89 days.

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Nice so we have to wait 3 months to keep farming a 1% item drop because of blizzard always messing up , i love this game


Wow amazing response.

Blizz, can you make this raid soloable already? It’s a tmog run…


this worked for me now :slight_smile:

still dont work for me today

Just tried 3 times, not working alas. Also tried letting both cannon Commanders talk before killing em, still not coming down. Guess i’ll just wait doing my Bug achiev till after Panda remix :frowning:

26/7/2024: Worked.
I got wiped after taking both towers, then talked to Lor’themar for the reset, took south tower very slowly (Made these texts pop: “…Bury them alive”, “she seems to be assaulting her own towers!”, “You dare try to take my tower? hahahha…”) and Succes on first hit!