Unable to spawn Kharon

We cleared all the bosses and trash in Karazhan Crypts but are unable to spawn Kharon,
the red book on summoning alter isn’t spawning.

Anyone else experienced this?

Yes, this happened to my party once. I think the problem was that we killed the Dark Rider before Kharon. The book never spawned after that even though the dungeon was fully cleared of trash/bosses.

Since that run I’ve been careful to kill Kharon asap and leave the Dark Rider last. We must have spent over an hour running in circles, in the run where Kharon couldn’t be spawned.

I don’t know if there is any fix for the book not spawning, we didn’t know/find a solution at least. We are just not leaving Kharon for very last anymore.

We had not killed the Dark Rider or Unk’Omon and scourged the whole dungeon looking for anything we missed. Before deciding to just kill them the bosses, to see if that did anything but nothing.

Not a 100% spawn, obviously a bug…