After changing faction, I am unable to travel to Zandalar from Kul’tiras. The ship captain does not offer the option, and I am unable to start the scouting quests to unlock those zones from the Alliance side. The map displayed for scouting is the one for Kul’tiras and not for Zuldazar.
I read that it’s necessary to restart the campaign from scratch, which I tried to do. I picked up the quest “Battle for Azeroth: Tides of War,” which asks me to attend the war council, but the war room is completely empty.
I have abandoned and picked up the quest multiple times, logged out and back in, switched characters, but still can’t get a filled war room.
Did you complete the BfA campaign on the Horde faction? I guess 1 character cannot complete both campaigns.
Indeed, I had completed the campaign on the Horde side. But in theory, when switching factions, the progress resets, allowing you to restart on the other side. The quest is available, and I can see the zone on the map, but the event doesn’t trigger… It might be a phasing issue, similar to what I encountered with a Bastion quest that was linked to Arathi.
edit :
found the solution. Magni was offering me a quest in the dungeon: “Where the Heart Is.” After completing the quest in the Heart and returning to Stormwind, the council was present.
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I didn’t change of faction did just Legion and wanted to go on with “Battle for Azeroth: Tides of War” but it’s inmpossible since war within Anduin is not in the Stormwind Keep , or any aother main character.
i think it.s a phasing problem
Tried to solve it with A Choice of Allies and doing the intro to “The War Within " till 1. Hypocenter
did all quests that were offered in the SW Embassy and still no Anduin in SW Keep and can’t start up " Battle for Azeroth: Tides of War”
I hope that the phasing problem is solved or somebody gives me a hint how to.
This my second character ( Karaden), the first didn’t had problems with Battle for Azeroth: Tides of War , but War Within wasn’t released then
Solved , Anduin was,t at his throne or in the regular warroom , but at a room where Count Remmington always was , so the first room when you enter the Keep.