Unable to track collected transmog appearances

There is currently no way to know if you have collected an appearance or not, other than browsing your appearances menu or using a very memory intensive addon. As long as I can remember, there was an indicator in the item tooltip for that, and it sure would be great to have it in Cataclysm Classic as well.


What addon is that?

This was not the case in the OG version of cata since there was no collection tab back then.
What we have now is the draenor or Legion version, which did not have this feature.
Which imo kinda sucks. Would love to get the sets collection tab and being able to store sets like you can in retail.
The favorite function is as bad as i remeber it, lot of work for changing sets without a addon. If there is one for this, please send me a link to it, would love to have one!

Not sure about changing sets, but to track what you have collected you can use ATT (All The Things). It also tracks a bunch of other stuff, and its extremely memory intensive. Also, I am not sure how well it works retroactively, but apparently shift clicking the addon window should update your collection.