Unable to trade Plain Letters 📨

Since Vanilla until fairly recently, players were able to trade Plain Letters; unique messages written via the mailbox from one character to another, and taken as an attachment into the inventory (“Click to make a permanent copy of this letter”). It was sometimes a nice flavour item for roleplay, from mysterious clues and pamphlets to in-character tickets.

Sometime early this year or spring, attempting to trade these items from one character to another - even if both are on one’s own Battlenet accounts - causes the trade to be canceled immediately. I personally found out about this after spending a lot of time creating in-character tickets for a spring festival event in April, thankfully a day prior the event rather than during the event itself. I’ve been unable to find any information on when exactly, or why, this old feature has stopped working.

While roleplay notes may be hosted externally online, and documents created with TRP Extended module, this was a nice default game feature for roleplay. And even though they cannot be directly traded from character to another, they can still be put up for sale in the Auction House, which is odd.

I’ve submitted a bug report on this, and opened a forum thread on the customer support forums in April and September, neither of which has gotten a response. A Game Master was unable to find anything on the case either when I reached out via the in-game support system, so it’s reasonable to think this is a bug.

Now the reason why I’m posting here; if you’re experiencing the same issue in-game, please consider making a bug report about it in-game. Bug reports are treated differently than tickets, and the QA team compiles all the instances of a reported bug and once it is confirmed and reproduced on their end, the dev teams start working on it to fix the root cause.

Since the dev team has in a recent interview stated they have internally played with ideas of features with roleplayers in mind, it’d be nice to keep already existing features working that are useful for roleplay.



Can tell that I’ve had this happen… so you’re not alone!

First I thought it was because the letter was very old (a year ago around christmas, if not more).

I’ll bug report tomorrow.


Thank you!

I’ve tried trading between my own accounts, with other players, and those players trying among themselves, and it didn’t work for anyone. So to my knowledge it’s broken for everyone.


i thought i saw this mentioned somewhere before but i cant find it, do you know where it was mentioned?


I remember this, such a strange occurence. It really seems that it’s a non-intended thing and likely a sideproduct of some spring patch. Reported as well! Hopefully making (report) waves will help fix this issue as I doubt many non-roleplayers have even noticed it, not to mention report it! :crossed_fingers:


Whilst people are reporting bugs can you add the issue of prism + orb of deception/sin’dorei and gleeful glamour cause a default appearance to be projected rather than what you initially appear as?

Sorry to piggy back, I just like having the correct look for my RPs.

Will report the letter issue too.

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Tested this morning due to the new patch - unfortunately the issue still persists. Please help report the bug it if you have a moment!

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Bumped the thread on the Support section too and just received a blue response:

Thanks everyone who reported the bug! :pray:


Makes sense that it’s not considered a priority, but hopefully doesn’t get continuously pushed down the list and never gets addressed.

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I’m curious what broke it to begin with, if it’s not a trivial fix…

Now on to the next thing. Fixing prisms that were used with orb/gleeful glamour!

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With how old and tangled the code for this game is, it could have been some very innocuous change they made that broke it, and they can’t fix it again without breaking something else of higher importance.


Could you please clarify the step by step process to reproduce this bug?

Use prism or the gleeful glamour item
Use projecting or reflecting prism or Potion of Illusion.
You’ll notice that some parts of the prismed apearence have changed to a default. (blood elves get a certain red hair style, goblins get specific hair/nose/ears)

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Had to wait 8(?) years for the nelf sitting bug to be fixed, so…

Not a programmer, not an expert on WoW, total shot in the dark of a guess:

I’m guessing it’s to do with the auction house becoming realm-wide and items being tradable cross-realm. Whereas before letters might’ve had an ID unique to a server - 12345 just as an example number.

It was okay when Argent Dawn had a 12345, because it was locked to Argent Dawn, but what if DefiasBrotherhood, Silvermoon, all the other servers also have a letter with 12345?

I could be completely off the mark but given the timing of when this happened I think it might be fair to blame this on the changes that made things tradable beyond the original server.


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