Unable to use Group Finder

Whenever I try to create a Dungeons group to run Mythics, I cannot. The game tells me I need to set up Battle.net Authenticator and SMS protect. I cannot do this because it requires my phone number, which is private information. Is there any way to get full game features without trading my private information for this please?

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You need to put your phone number, they keep it private. That is the only way, unless you have a physical authenticator.

I see, thanks. That is unacceptable. Hopefully they’ll change this policy.

It will never change, especially since the app goes onto your phone from the Microsoft app. And they can mine your number from the store, google are even worse.

I don’t see what’s wrong with giving them your number.

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its just a bug i think

You can still make Custom Groups in the Group Finder without these security features, but only using default titles and details, you won’t be able to customize the title or description.

This does not work for any none shadowlands dgn if you try to start a mythic+ group (if you do not have the authenticator). I have a +2 mechagon, and I cannot start a group, it fills in the default text, but will not list the group @Tizaksul

I have the same exact issue. No authenticator set up, and as of the start of season 4, I have been unable to list a mythic+ dungeon group, regardless of dungeon,character, or key level.
Well worth the in-game bug report (which I did send). I’m just posting here, so this is not swept under the previous comment’s rug, since this is not an issue related to the ability (or lack thereof) to customize group detail and titles.

Yep I cannot list my M+ key at all - neither can everyone im playing with.

How is this not a more pressing issue for Blizzard right now?

My friend even sorted out the authenticator and it didnt make a difference, literally cannot list any M+

Looks like they are stepping up their data harvesting game. In 10.0 you will have to send in a blood sample to be able to use War Mode.

“If you want to spill blood, prove you are real™ and willing by sending us a sample of your own blood!”

You can still make Custom Groups in the Group Finder without these security features, but only using default titles and details, you won’t be able to customize the title or description.

I managed to list my group in LFG with Tazavesh key on Wednesday, and then received Iron Docks key - can’t list a group for it since. Pressing “list a group” just doesn’t do anything.

On the US forums, it looks like they have admitted this is a bug, but no word on when it will be fixed

Same issue, whenever I get back at Iron docks key I simply cannot list. Only with this key.

I have same issue with Mechagon Key :frowning:

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