When the bonus rewards for alliance was released i used to think it was a great feature because there wasnt any alliance playing with WM on but now all the alliance players have WM on for 25% extra rewards and on my server there are twice as many 120 alliance as horde but the rewards are server specific so i get punished for having WM on and alliance just gets tons of rewards. I almost dont see horde with WM on because they dont like being ganked and camped by 5 alliance players for a mere 10% increased AP. Blizzard should be making the WM rewards server specific…
Why? We don’t play war mode on a realm.
It’s not 25% extra, it’s 20% in total which is only 10% extra. Considering the extra corpse runs Alliance have to do and the extra time spent avoiding Horde packs, it probably balances out even.
And rewards are not server specific because with sharding it doesn’t work like that. It’s region specific, you just ended up in one of the minority of Alliance heavy shards.
can u elaborate that ? i dont get it…it shouldnt be free 10% bonus…u turn wm on u get bonus and a pvp…i know its not the same as before where u had 10% just because…
Now when theres actualy ppl to fight back all of the suden horde honor glory and zug zug for the horde isnt so excited about wm…
i dont mind pvp, its just that my server has alot more alliance and horde still gets less rewards
servers aren’t a thing anymore in world pvp.
Warmode is for ppl who want to pvp. If you dont, turn it off.
But if ur faction has more bonus than the other better. I wonder if said that when the bonus was the same and the horde was smashing the aliance.
It´s hilarius how blizzard is so bias for the aliance. when the human racial was breaking the PVP it took 2 EXPANSIONS for them to remove it. Couple of months of aliance crys and they run include a mechanic to benefit the aliance even when they outnumber the horde
Who cares about wm bonus? Pve’ers?
I care.
there are a few option to it to, make it shard specific or make it equal(the major problem is the sharding in my opinion tho)
i dont care pvp happens in the world heck im part of it and think it is part of the game, i dont think one side should get more out of the same content given how sharding work(what about the allaince dominated shards getting the same bonus reward for free)
Only when grinding my neck besides that … err … no
Im in warmode more for the pvp talents
I believe the bonus is meant to be region wide (so less alliance in pvp than horde across entire region), though I don’t know if that has been confirmed.
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