Unbond Chaos Is the Inner Demon Drunk

The last couple days Iv been playing around with Unbound Chaos, I like the ability when its executed well it hits like a absolute truck. And lets be honest demon hunters need more buttons to press to break monotonous rotation of old.

The problem is the complete unpredictability of the Inner Demon’s travel path their is times when it travel way to short or completly overshoots. This leads to alot of frustration because it makes the setup of using the ability seem like a unpractable venture, as the adjusting in combat to execute the ability leads to down time on the target which is amplified greatly if after all that the Inner Demon just misses.

I think the talent should be adjusted so that the inner demon explodes underneath the first target damaged by fel rush, that would allow us to have more control over it use and solve the main issues that occur from these path tracking style abilities.

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This is not ideal either. They just have to make the current version more consistent.

Technically it doesn’t give you any new buttons to press.

I have tested this row and prefer the glaives, they are much more reliable and have a smaller cd so I can use them much more often than Unbound Chaos for slightly less damage per application. I guess sims will tell what could potentially net more dps but at a first glance I think glaives are much more reliable and can press the ability almost double the times I can with Unbound.

using a moblity cd to deal so much unpredictable dmg does not feel good to play at all.

On top of this there is even a pvp talent that enhances fel rush even more with a ms affect.

you basicly paying with your mobility to deal dmg and move yourself into a bad spot.

terrible design.

DH enthusiast here,
could you please elaborate a bit ?
as far as I understand, the setup would be Vengeful retreat -> Immolation aura - > Fel rush - > and bam, the boss, or elite, recieves Unbound chaos dmg.

The problem you see is using this setup vs non-static, but moving, target, right ?

the problem is latency…the server will recieve wrong coords so your demon can explode anywhere in the path of the felrush. thats the old UC problem and if i recall correctly the reason why it was removed cause noone used it.

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So with larger bosses, when your fel rush covers most of the hitbox, it could work well ?

with bosses its fine cause u never fel rush outside of the boss…youre sticking with momentum style movement where you felrush like youre trying to flank it sort of…like this \O/ , just make O a bit larger :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: theres a good guide on how to momentum on wowhead…so if you wanna UC check just how to felrush during UC window :wink:

yes, agreed totally, if only hit box that in most cases is a giant circle, had more than one side. I do hate that wow became a side scroller!

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