Unbound Chaos + Fel Rush, what's the best way?

Completely new Demon Hunter player here. I’ve just hit 60 and been playing with talents and following a few guides here and there and just wanted to ask some more experienced DH players about the Unbound Chaos talent.

So I understand that it increases my next fel rush damage by 400%, but if I were to do that while in melee range I’d just yeet myself out of melee range and have to dash back in. So is the correct way to use it to first use Vengeful Retreat (with tactical retreat talent) to bounce backwards first and then rush back in? I’ve been trying that but I feel like I often don’t quite reach the target unless I take a few steps forward before I hit Fel rush after jumping back which doesn’t seem quite right as I then have a second where I’m simply repositioning rather than attacking.

And since I’m blind as a freaking bat, I can’t quite see the damage numbers myself. In an AoE situation, should I be working this buffed up Fel Rush into my rotation? I’m guessing in single target I shouldn’t use it in the way I’ve described and focus more on Chaos Strikes.

And yes, I know level 60 and 70 are different experiences. But I’d like to try and build up some good habits now while I can so I don’t have to learn them later on, even if I will most likely switch to Vengeance at 70.

I suggest you watch some youtube videos. Jedith or VooDooSaurus put out good content it’ll be easier for you to watch their guides than to explain here in full.

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