Unbound chaos is not the answer

Hello everyone, hope you’re all enjoying prepatch so far.

I’ve been maining DH since legion prepatch and have done everything with DH from arena to mythic raiding, I should say that I play DH very much for the aesthetics, class fantasy and feeling of playing the class even though it is very easy over playing a more complex class that does not “feel” as smooth or fun to play.
BUT, this new unbound chaos talent is just awful, it does not feel good, is super unreliable and does not make sense with the other movement abilities DH’s have.
To be completely clear, I do fully agree that Demonhunter is one of the easiest classes to play and that it should have more buttons for their rotation or at the very least viable talent choices that add more buttons for the players that want more of a challenge but also be optimal in the current/shadowlands meta and feel good to play with

These are my main issues with it:

It encourages a very dumb playstyle, especially in cramped dungeons, With fel rush’s range being so inconsistent due to many factors, like lag and even framerate drops, often it simply will not do anything, however you can just fel rush into a wall and it will work pretty much every time(Think of WM, ToS, TD) this is just so dumb that it becomes a positive dps effect to just fel rush into a wall/other scenery instead of risking unbound chaos missing, Yes you can vengeful retreat and fel rush back but this does not work all the time either and very rarely works at all on sloped surfaces like stairs.
I have had it still overshoot and undershoot regularly not to mention it is very jarring and clunky, it does not feel good to use not to mention that unnecessary movement could also be a liability in certain encounters (looking at you last boss of Tol Dagor). Also if you are holding a charge of unbound chaos then have to felrush out of fire etc it is completely wasted, its just bad game design having one of our highest damage output abilities on a spell that has been used almost exclusively for movement since the class was created.

Its SOOO unbalanced, now yes, there is probably something funky going on with azerite traits etc but at the end of the day even just looking at the base numbers it is just too powerful and synergies too well with other talents, at this point unbound chaos is too good not to take for a number of reasons but then that also means that First blood is less useful in almost any situation apart from purely single target because it isn’t compounding with trial of ruin, on top of that Blade dance is target capped and Unbound chaos is not. Either this whole talent row or none of the row should be target capped, Glaive tempest is far more reliable and imo more fun(though still not great) but simply does not stack up against unbound chaos, especially in mythic+ with 6+ targets. to be clear I think trial of ruin and first blood are quite boring as it is and we should have a viable alternate talent path for the players that want more buttons (OR you know, another spec thats a bit harder),

Forced Momentum gameplay, So this is a biggie for me, obviously Momentum has great synergy with Unbound chaos, (cmon a 15% damage increase to a massive uncapped AOE that is also viable in single target, how can that be bad), However imo momentum is just bad and unfun gameplay, I absolutely hate momentum and will never play it even if it means I am not optimal, yes it makes DH more challenging and adds a couple more buttons to the rotation, that is fine, the problem is that more buttons and artificial difficulty do not = fun (the best example I can think of this is Wind walker mastery, that is fun you actually have to think in advance and pay attention, its not just a “press this every x seconds to do more damage and it does not add a single button” right now momentum just turns felrush and vengeful retreat into minor damage cooldowns that are on the gcd and interrupt the pace of combat). To me DH is about moving fast, doing big AOE, turning into a massive demon and looking like a badass while doing it, its not about darting around the room every 6 seconds for no reason other than to keep your buff up, for me that’s not fun even though its an extra button, it feels clunky and does not feel rewarding not to mention it turns movement utility into a damage increase meaning the movement abilities we have are no longer for movement and from what I can see Momentum is only going to get better in shadowlands once we lose essences and azerite traits.

General clunkyness, OK lets assume that the best way to use unbound chaos is vengeful retreat, that means to do the ability Unbound chaos you first need to cast Immolation Aura, then cast vengeful retreat, then cast felrush, then possibly reposition again because felrush is so inconsistent, thats 3 CDs to do one damaging ability and for 2 of those you are not even within melee range of the boss, thats not fun, it feels slow, jarring and the pace is not even in the same universe as the rest for bfa or even Legion which has been all about empowering your self in a demonic form to burst damage, attack faster, hit harder and do big aoe.

Overall I think that this talent should be replaced all together because of how clunky it feels, nothing about the ability outside of the animation is fun, yeah it looks decent (depending on the camera zoom you play on you might not even see it as felrush sometimes goes further than where unbound chaos drops) but it is completely negated by the massive shift in pace and complete unreliability.
If it is absolutely staying in game it needs to be target capped, should drop on the first target from felrush and should have its power brought inline with glaive tempest (and maybe trial of ruin, I think having to use an extra button should make you do a little more dps than passive trial of ruin) because right now they don’t compete.

I do think this change will not feel as bad to players new to DH who are not used to how the class has played for the last 2 expansions but overall I still don’t think the vast majority of players will consider this a fun and interesting class mechanic, Would love to hear what others have to say about it.


than dont, you have 2 other options, its not top dps but they are both there, especially an option to continue playing the God boring rotation DH had during the whole BfA. If you really mean what you say i dont understand your post except that, in truth, you have a talent that does great dmg and YOU cant utilize. Its not unbound chaos thats the problem its your fear you wont be “optimal”. Switch UCs dmg with Fotl dmg (or whatevers the new name) and suddenly you dont have a problem.

If you did play since legion you would know that momentum was the first “spec” that went live, felrush was ment to be used as a higer skill cap gameplay where you used your mobility for dmg since as a DH mastery gives you running speed and fel rush isnt needed to get out of melee mechanics. Its a safe option for sure, its a lazy option, its an option of "haha you … i can dps while you have to start running out, but is it absolutely needed? wont you have time to run out? no its not and no you will have time, its just the mentality of the players that their dps in that 2 sec window of staying in longer is gonna one shot the boss thats the problem. How many of the dh player base actually used VR and felrush or even meta jump to go soak some one shot thing in the back cause you saw theres that priest or that lock that cant make the soak? i bet theres not many (might be wrong but not likely)

if you played momentum in a raid properly you wouldnt be outside of melee range (because of the skills, not counting forced movement by boss mechanics).

Im sorry but your post is a qq post in the line of ever other DH post that doesnt like mometnum and instead of asking a buff to fotl or buff to first blood/trail cap removal your first reaction is…nooooo crap i need to use my 2 felrushes for something else!!! wth do you mean, i can run really? with w? nooo i only move with felrush

i do understand that theres a majority of ppl that dont like momentums playstyle and in its current form i do agree its crap. But please if you dont like something can you all just start asking for a BUFFS on other side of the talent tree and not focusing on NERFS on a spec that has been gutted so much already. Also just because YOU dont like it, doesnt mean EVERYONE doesnt like it. So a show of understanding for other dh playerbase would be appreciated, if you all would stop atking momentum like they are sub rogues right now and start focusing on improving your demonic playstyle. Leave momentum to ppl who actually like it.

p.s. UC didnt work in legion too, eventually they removed it, they will remove it cause its latency dependent and in most situations it wont work. Just hold on and youll get your wish of UC removal.

Ok not sure if you read the whole post and not sure why you’re so combative but I clearly stated that I won’t be using the optimal build and yes momentum was meta for EN and some of nighthold (which I still played demonic in) I would like to be optimal of course who wouldn’t but not at the expense of enjoyment, I think you’ve largely misunderstood the message from my origional post, I am not complaining that its good, I am complaining that it does not feel fun to use and it is much better than the alternatives, if it was balanced and worked properly I would not have a problem with it what so ever.

I also disagree in general with your idea that things should get buffed in order to bring them in balance, while yes that can be the right call for some very under used. Buffing talents 2 okay talents to match the extremely good one leads to player power running wild and even bigger differences between good and bad talents which in turn eventually leads to things like stat squishes that just happened.

I also clearly stated that everything I wrote was my opinion and I am not saying no one likes it so I am not sure why you are saying that when the last thing on the post was “Would love to hear what others have to say about it.” because I genuinely don’t know, this whole post is my opinion and feedback so I am not sure why your whole reply is trashing me but it is what it is.

To be completely clear, I have no problem with Unbound chaos or momentum build in general, I do not like the build, that is why I do not play it, the problem I have is with one being better than the others and Unbound chaos being so unreliable

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The biggest problem with using a build that requires fel rush to be part of your rotation is that it’s really not compatible with current BFA dungeons right now. Alot of the time these dungeons are really tightly packed with mobs which all have quite sensitive aggro ranges, like take underrot for example. You really can’t use momentum/UC without having to repeatedly slam your DH into a wall to control it or risk pulling the entire dungeon.


I thought DH wanted more complex abilities? Now suddenly you don’t want it because it’s too hard and you can’t just mash one button anymore? Very strange.

I don’t think that unbound chaos is a bad talent (even if it’s buggy as shlt), but why it’s so much effective than others? UC is doing about 43% more dmg than trail of ruin

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But its so satisfying to crash into a big pack with UC and absolutely destroying it. Gives me the “BOom here comes the demon” feeling :wink: Also with 25s cd its far less punishing than momentum.

I realy hoped so that they reworked the way felrush works so that its a client side effect not effected by server/network laag and consistent with the range it moves you… but here we are and the fr->dc bugg is still a thing :confused:

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Read. The. Post. Literally the 2nd paragraph in bold

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I ended up here to confirm if I am doing sth wrong or it really is kinda bugged/unreliable. Glad that it is not me :slight_smile:

From my shoes, having unbound chaos back is awesome. I always loved the Momentum theme of DH as already mentioned by some of you on the comments above. However, current UC usage is so hard due to you know… as mentioned above.

I would like to see Vengeful Retreat triggers UC so lag and fps would be less of a concern and most viable usage is in line with VR into Fel Rush anyway. Just thinking out loud but I am sure developers can find a better solution if they take the comments above into consideration.


Absolutely hate the design of unbound chaos and right now it seems to be too far ahead of the other choices on the same tier. I’m all for adding some complexity to Havoc, but having your mobility also doing the most, uncapped AoE dmg by far is just awful. Especially considering that certain fights require you to stay in the same spot, or getting stuck on a tiny pebble on the ground when you press Fel Rush.

I realize that community is very divided here, just like Breath of Sindragosa for Frost DKs, but I personally hate it so much that I would rather not play Havoc at all than getting stuck with Unbound Chaos + Momentum playstyle.

I’m just glad my main spec for DH is Vengeance, and the few times I go dps it’s more casual content and I can sacrifice some output and stay far away from that build.

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Atleast if they make an apility as unbound chaos, it could atleast work proberly and be more smart, Since those demons are random and do aim for a mob, but never hit it. They should make so it flies on a mob you hit with that fel rush EVEN if it moves (wich mobs does in mythic plus and so on).

You literally just described what makes it more complex.

having an ability bound to your mobility doesn’t make the class more complicated, and I don’t think its the point being made. the issue is that its become a clunky playstyle. it also has ended up in a system where cycle becomes the best option and so you basically render blade dance a pointless button to press, which doesn’t feel good. what would be more interesting is to add something like bloodlet back into your glaive giving you another buff to maintain and another button to press. there’s been a lot of mention of first blood being a baseline thing, but I think they just need to rework the options dh has to make more viable spec variety. some people want more complex play, some might not, but either way, adding 1 button to the rotation while removing another is not really what people are asking for. at least not how it plays out now. UBC really is only the best choice because it has no cap.
having played UBC on beta and live, I can’t say I’ve had too much issue with missing mobs or ‘getting stuck in the ground’, though I know that it can happen much like warriors charge. the biggest issue for me is that there has always been the bug in the game for retreat/rush combos where you get kicked offline on occasion, and regardless of it being rare or not, if it loses you a game, or kills you on a boss, its gonna suck.
either way, so many trolls on this forum hiding behind their low level alts. you seem very salty, show us on the doll where the nasty DH eyebeamed you, we’ll send a note to Illidan on your way out. I got you.

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They have listened thankfully.

Unbound Chaos now increases the damage of your next Fel Rush by 300%. Lasts for 20 seconds.

Thank god.

Fel rush does 300 baseline with a mastery build, 300% increase means it’ll do 900 damage…so this is just another useless talent now, could have replaced it entirely for something actual useful.

They just need to damage tune it and/or buff the other talents or our baseline damage and its gonna be fine.

Relying on all our damage on such a terrific pathed ability was the worst.

Dont like the idea that in lvl 60 pvp you do dmg with fel rush and apply mortal wound with the same movement ability, its like applying mortal wounds with shadowstep, if you play a rogue!

Its a better idea to apply more dmg or a ms effect to glaives or eye beam.

I’m having fun with UBC/momentum build. Dungeons are intense. I think that’s the way forward.

Is ubc scaling better at max lvl? Because I startet lvling havoc lvl 40 now and I use glaive toss and it’s doing more dmg on single target and aoe. Ubc cd is 28 sec while glaive toss is 16 sec cd. In the time I get 2 chaos out I already cast 3 glaive toss. Also I missed Legion artifact ability

The strength of UBC is that its uncapped, Glaive Tempest is limited to 5 targets.