The Anima Power [Unceasing Chain Link] seems so disappear the further i progress. Unsure if one stack decays at a time or if it drops when I enter new floor (source of problem unknown) but I had 3 stacks of it, and now I’m on last boss and I only have 1 stack left.
its been like this since Torghast launch. whats more annoying is they keep releasing new stuffs on torghast like new layers and now Twisting Corridor and NOW more mod came in.
And still no hotfix for rogue anima powers. Im so mad.
Hi Nsens,
This has been reported multiple times already here: “Unceasing Chain Link” talent bug in Torghast.
As noted in that thread, please make sure to report issues like this in-game to help get them addressed: How to Report World of Warcraft Bugs.
True, since december. I also reported it at least 2 times via in game support. When can we expect a resolution? Later levels in Twisting Corridors are atrocious without it.
Can we please get a fcking fix on this?? It’s been one month and it’s absolutely gamebreaking in torghast.
I aint doin Twisting corridors untill they fix this… Im still waiting , Im getting sick of waiting. Blizz stop making me wait. and fix this already. two hotfixes shows on wowhead and still NO FIX ON DIS!
Please refer to the existing response.